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for @'#~! sake! EVERYONE see if they can help me on this AV please:

Started by TheJamsh, May 29, 2008, 10:47:26 AM

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right, im getting seriously fed up with this AV that keeps showing up:

DIAG|Main            |            maininit:523  |17:42:05|15     |Version Information Section
ERR |Debug           |               debug:765  |17:42:05|15     |[ E X C E P T I O N ]
ERR |GLOBAL          |              i76win:80   |17:42:05|15     |Patch 1.3pb3 EDITOR Aug 10 2006 08:26:12
ERR |Debug           |               debug:885  |17:42:05|15     |Type: ACCESS VIOLATION
ERR |Debug           |               debug:886  |17:42:05|15     |Info: WRITING to 00000000h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:410  |17:42:05|15     |CallStack:
ERR |Debug           |               debug:552  |17:42:05|15     |005CC0E4 +0134 bz2edit.exe LIBCMT memcpy.obj _memcpy
ERR |Debug           |               debug:552  |17:42:05|15     |00542D0C +025F bz2edit.exe system log.obj public: void __cdecl Log::Client::Write(char const *,...)
ERR |Debug           |               debug:552  |17:42:05|15     |04280730 +4280730 [Unknown] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Unknown]
ERR |Debug           |               debug:552  |17:42:05|15     |00040005 +40005 [Unknown] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Unknown]
ERR |Debug           |               debug:552  |17:42:05|15     |00000001 +0001 [Unknown] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Unknown]
ERR |Debug           |               debug:433  |17:42:05|15     |Registers:
ERR |Debug           |               debug:434  |17:42:05|15     |EAX: 73726556h   CS: 0000001Bh  DS: 00000023h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:435  |17:42:05|15     |EBX: 00640430h  EIP: 005CC0E4h  ES: 00000023h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:436  |17:42:05|15     |ECX: 00000006h   SS: 00000023h  FS: 0000003Bh
ERR |Debug           |               debug:437  |17:42:05|15     |EDX: 00000003h  EBP: 0225FC4Ch  GS: 00000000h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:438  |17:42:05|15     |ESI: 0225FC80h  ESP: 0225FC44h           
ERR |Debug           |               debug:439  |17:42:05|15     |EDI: 00000000h                       
ERR |Debug           |               debug:449  |17:42:05|15     | CF: 00010293h PF:1 AF:0 ZF:1 SF:0 OF:1
DIAG|Main            |            mainproc:158  |17:42:05|46     |Entering critical shutdown
ERR |Input           |               input:1194 |17:42:05|46     |Input not initialised

Now, ive tried un-installing windows updates, this has not had any effect, i have re-installed the entire BZII system AND PB3 AND the no-cd patch. within a day the error showed up again.

it seemed to occur after editing files in threed in the addon folder. now im not sure if this is always whats causing the AV but that was the last thing i did before i tried to load up my test map.

PLEASE tell me whats wrong because im SICK of this AV!

Specs in case you need them:
Intel Core 2 CPU - 6400 @ 2.13Ghz 2.13Ghz
nVidia Geforce 7600 LE
Windows Vista Home Premium

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Quote from: TheJamsh on May 29, 2008, 10:47:26 AM
i have re-installed the entire BZII system AND PB3 AND the no-cd patch. within a day the error showed up again.

The 1.3 patch don't require the cd so you don't need to install the no cd patch on it.  The no cd patch & Stack Overflow Patch were created for the 1.3 patch NOT the 1.3 patch because the 1.3 patch already contain those fixes.

1.3 patch -PB1-PB4:
All you need to do is install the 1.3 patch on top of any fresh copy of bz2 or current bz2 install 1.0-1.3patch then your all set to play. Nothing else needs to be installed.

1.2 Patch: install a fresh cope of bz2, 1.2  patch, no cd fix , & the Stack Overflow Patch (1.2 ONLY) . You cannot install the 1.2 patch on top of of any 1.3 patched version of bz2 but i9f you have enough HD Space for another install then  you can have more than one install of bz2 that are patched differently.
Many failures will take place in the process of attempting to achive your goal. It don't matter how many times you fail, Its how much you've learned each time since its apart of the learning process.


I have no real idea but
Info: WRITING to 00000000h
that doesn't seem like valid/available memory to me.

That NO-CD thing might'a broke something for all I know, since 1.3 already integrates that change.

Darn, GH beat me too it (saw when I hit submit)

EDIT: Then again, that's an error in BZ2EDIT.exe, which would not have been No-CD patched if he ran said patch as that patch only runs on BZONE.exe

Click on the image...


If he did use the no cd fix on 1.3 patched installation (bzone.exe & bzedit.exe), then the no cd fix most likly failed by changed the wrong information which means it corrupted parts of the exe. 
Many failures will take place in the process of attempting to achive your goal. It don't matter how many times you fail, Its how much you've learned each time since its apart of the learning process.


it seemed to occur after editing files in threed in the addon folder. now im not sure if this is always whats causing the AV but that was the last thing i did before i tried to load up my test map.

Move your changed files to another directory, and restore them one by one. You'll also need to nuke any associated .msh files, so that they get properly rebuilt. BZ2 is very picky about file formats; you need to be careful about keeping track of what you're doing so that you can quickly revert your last change.

-- GSH


I missed that part where he said he used threed. I'd suggest only using threed as a 3d viewer only since that program is bug & can actually corrupt the xsi file.  Heck i stopped using threed simple because it either crash on me for no reason & the fact it usually corrupts files when saving.

I'd suggest learning to use notepad to make your changes & only use threed as a viewer only(no saving).

I believe OM was working on an xsi exporter for blender so your better off learning that program than try to use threed(ultimate bug\corruption program).

EDIT: As GSH said, you need to slowly revert your changed asset back to find the asset that is cause all your trouble.  Certain changes to an assets are not recommended for preplaced objects because the bzn file contains certain information that is saved & may conflict with the changed asset which may result in your AV.

Example:  a certain tunnel entrance odf was found using the wrong class since the object needed tunnel information in the odf so the ai can use the tunnels.  If i change the ODF to have the correct class then it would cause an AV in any map that has that preplaced object before the change occured.

If you can't revert the change then you might need to try the following flags in your shortcut           /edit  yourBZNname.bzn  /nobodyhome 

Note: If you use the nobodyhome flag to load any map it will remove all objects & paths from the map.  This is a small setback that you might have to face if you created an entirely new map & want to save whatever work you can if you can't revert your asset changes.
Many failures will take place in the process of attempting to achive your goal. It don't matter how many times you fail, Its how much you've learned each time since its apart of the learning process.

General BlackDragon

As i've said before, and I'll say again.

Threed is (insert random donkey poop here)

EVERYTHING threed can do, can be done in NOTEPAD. Animations can also be done in NOTEPAD.

Notepad > Threed

*****General BlackDragon*****


right i re-installed and stuff is working now but im pretty sure itll happen again

@GSH: i removed all the files in the addon folder than i put there and removed the binData folder. the error still occured in bzone.exe and bz2edit.exe

threed is absolutely pants for sure, but its just easier for a modelling goon such as meself. whatever i can get away with i use.

all i know is that it HAS to be run in compatibility mode. maybe its a windows update thats causing the problem. it jsut started to occur a week or so ago.
@GH: LEARN BLENDER! ARE YOU INSANE?!?!?! also the test map im using is totally empty except for path points and my ship and me. NOUT else on it. its not even raised...

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Threed is (insert random donkey poop here)

EVERYTHING threed can do, can be done in NOTEPAD. Animations can also be done in NOTEPAD.

Notepad > Threed

So are you saying that getting out a chisel and magnet on your HD is more or less reliable than Threed? :)

-- GSH


pffft, anyone fancy making a new version of Threed (not GSH obv)


BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Quote from: GSH on May 29, 2008, 02:34:31 PM
So are you saying that getting out a chisel and magnet on your HD is more or less reliable than Threed? :)

-- GSH

No no, Butterflies. Or set the universal constants at the start of the universe to ensure that the model you want comes into existence.


The Knack with threed is knowing what NOT to do with it.
Avoid pasting Textures/materials in from other models, recreate them instead.

If Opening more than one model, do it in the same instance of threed, copy-pasting between two instances of threed is very unstable.

If a model is Animated always copy the anim section to a txt file before attempting to save it with threed, and then paste it back in again after saving, threed will ruin all but the simplest animations.

Before saving check the materials in the list concur with those in the material editor, it sometimes gets the numbers wrong, after pasting or deleting stuff. And it will attempt to save materials that don't exist! and it won't work. If you spot an incorrect material, delete it.

When editing buildings with terrain, it is best to place a dummy frame above the terrain__h frame, in note pad, before opening with threed.
It is very distressing to have your building destroyed and turned into a 2 dimensional square that causes bz2 to lock up when you try to load it. The dummy frame will stop this happening, I have no idea why.

If you are editing models that are made with more than one material/texture on any one frame-mesh, be aware that threed cannot do this and will probably make a mess of it even if you have not altered that frame.

And of course never save over a file, always rename it, and save frequently.



getting really @$@&:%&^@ off now. this time i made NO changes. and now the software is refusing to load up and im gettingthe same AV over and over again. this HAS to be some kind of bug. ive re-installed the game 4 times in the last 2 days.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Nuke the entire install folder before reinstalling.

-- GSH


ive found the problem

the log file seems to be getting corrupted. i deleted the file, tried to run the game and it worked. if it does it again ill try do the same thing.

i also changed the pilot&save directories. seems to be ok

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.