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Started by Void, June 16, 2008, 01:48:25 AM

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hi guys i seem to be having a problem when i connect to servers. It says i don't have the maps when i actually do have them :S

Red Devil

Which config file are you using in your shortcut?
What box???


Are you SURE you have all the maps?

I lately have had issue with the full installer and must go by parts. The parts dont inlude the map pack it seems.

http://www.bzcomplex.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:Map/Pack/Complete_FE_Map_Pack_Version_04 (not finished)

Click on the image...

Red Devil

What box???


i think i have all the maps i don't know how to check.
all those maps work in instant action (i don't know whether that helps)
im downloading the map thing i'll install it and see how it goes
and i used the FE full installer

Red Devil

Are you using the 1/2 version or the 1.3 version?
What box???