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Found great BZ2 driver for NV880 cards

Started by elder, July 12, 2008, 09:09:36 PM

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I was having many crashes with BZ2 and Mechwarrior 4. with my NV880GTS video card. every time I used a newer driver the problem got worse. In reading this site suggesting older drivers I Investigated that and found some original drivers on guru3d. com in their extensive files.
I found some 97.92WHOL that came out just after my card did. It was fantastic. The crashes stopped. Then I found some NGO 2 year old tweaked 97.92 in their tweaked section. Wow, This computer has never worked this good before. BZ2 and FE are now at new high resolutions, maxed out with everything on. And no crashes. Games look fantastic and even run faster. It is like I have built myself a new computer. I am wondering if NV is gaming their drivers? Slowing down the older cards to sell new ones? My computer works better for all uses with these older drivers. What do you think?


The problem is that Nvidia and AMD are both setting up their drivers to run the newer games smoothly (i.e.: DX10/10.1), and leaving out compatibility for older games that use older versions of DX (i.e.: DX6).  They aren't slowing their old cards down.  My card is really old and people would laugh at me if I told you what it is.  It's actually working better than it did when I got it.  We've actually had the "rollback" fix for a little while.  And this should be posted in the Nvidia issues thread, not in a new one.

I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.