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So next year (ish)

Started by TheJamsh, December 16, 2008, 07:02:29 AM

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im off to University to take on an honours engineering degree in robotics and automated systems. scary to think that obsession started with Lego =]

where did you get the idea for what you wanted to do?

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Mainly from my hobbies and stuff I'm good at. Science, music, writing stuff.


My father ran a business dealing with computers out of the house. I got into them that way. Now I know more about a lot of things regarding them, especially software. Go figure.

As for lego, whooo boy do I have some lego experience. Worked right next to the lego lab at MIT for a while. The place they developed the mindstorms stuff. They had enough legos hiding under the FLOOR to build a small human-sized structure, nevermind what they had actually accessible.


Im going into game design...pretty self explanitory where my origins lie...

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


What my dad does, which is basically fix all the idiotic things other people do with their computers.
I liek chz



Lots of gamers... lots of graphic design and computer stuff.

I'm majoring in Mathematics Education, hopefully going to be a 8th-10th grade math teacher. Yes, I know it will be a blast.


Quote from: Feared_1 on December 16, 2008, 04:06:54 PM
I'm majoring in Mathematics Education, hopefully going to be a 8th-10th grade math teacher. Yes, I know it will be a blast.

Now I know why you are called Feared_1.
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


i thought about games design... but (and no offence meant) the idea that id get to my deathbed and everything id ever achieved was at the end of the day, a string of 0's and 1's wasnt so gripping lol.

then again, i could say that about ANY job related to computers, so meh.

mindstorms was awesome! no toy can beat lego, nothing

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


I took mechanical drawing in high school and advanced writing in community college and now I'm a superintendent for a General contractor that does steel work for major jobsites and facilities services for companies like Texas Instruments, TXU Energy, Nortel, etc. I manage the Texas Instruments sites.
There is no knowledge that is not power.


Quote from: Feared_1 on December 16, 2008, 04:06:54 PM
Lots of gamers... lots of graphic design and computer stuff.

I'm majoring in Mathematics Education, hopefully going to be a 8th-10th grade math teacher. Yes, I know it will be a blast.

I cannot tell you how many people at my old school said they were gonna make video games. Peh, i know more about them then they did (even before i came here)
I liek chz



I'm taking Music Education, and was looking at a minor in Game Design, but that proved to be too great a load.

I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.


@ VSMIT im currently doing sound-engineering myself, very interesting but just not my thing i guess. has provided some useful info for BZ2 modding though if nothing else lol...

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


I'm moving into A-levels next year, taking chemistry, maths, physics and music tech - which is basically just composition without the theory (which is the dull part) - the bonus being that music techies get to be in the music techie band, who are by far the school's best.


some advanced subjects there...

ahhhh a-levels, lol if only i could go back to that again. hell id have more time to mod too...

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.