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Who is God?

Started by hybirdisdf, March 14, 2009, 12:03:10 PM

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Red Devil

What box???


Wasted my time too, guess i should be shot for actually reading the whole thing.
I liek chz



Quote from: cheesepuffly on March 22, 2009, 06:56:54 PM
Does you believes in a god or not? (avatar)

Fire up the wayback machine, Sherman...  back to page 2.

Quote from: AvatarI, personally, can't look at the Universe without seeing the hand of God.  I have my doubts as to orthodox views, meaning I don't think he's an old man with white robes and a long white beard, but I don't see how the order of the Universe could have arisen spontaneously from primordial chaos.   

So yes, I believe in a supreme being.  One who has an eye for beauty, and a hell of a sense of humor to boot.   :evil:


Scientists announced today that they'd found GOD.  The bad news?  She's 8' tall, black, and pissed...
-Robin Williams-


Did anyone here ever see time bandits?

Red Devil

I saw one this morning sneaking around the back of the house.
What box???


Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


Quote from: Sonic on March 15, 2009, 08:01:42 PM
Well here's a thought completely out in left and right field at the same time. A few friends and I have a mythopoeia going on. If you do not know what that means, google it. :P In these stories we have a particular character who goes by many names but commonly is called MM who for many reasons is God. The catch here is that while we agree he is God, we do not make clear if he created reality or if reality created him. In fact, if you look at our time line, you will fine massive paradoxes of his existence. The idea though is MM is basically an 'avatar' of reality itself. So reality is inside him while he is inside reality. This gets more and more complex but makes an interesting "God" for our stories. We almost never reference him as God but as I said, for all basic purposes, he could be considered God (even if he/she/it is unperfect).

I propose to you that MM is not an avatar of reality, but a reflection of everyone who contributes to your mythopoeia.  If you all lived on an island together, MM might just appear spontaneously.

Red Devil

Me, I just don't believe in God - I know our God, our Father, lives.

Why?  How?  Because love exists.  And I'm not talking about that cute, smarmy, mushy, sissy love.  I'm talking about the love of friends and brothers that makes a man re-enlist to go fight - and die - with his brothers in the blood and filth and mud and dirt and disease and horror that is war.

I'm talking about the love of a perfect stranger rushing into a burning building to save a perfect stranger or the love a perfect stranger who dives in a freezing river to save a a perfect stranger or his granddaughter, then drowns.

I'm talking about the love of a friend jumping into a fight to defend his friend - even if his friend is wrong.

I'm talking about somebody messing with your family - even the ones you don't like much - and you going nuts on them.

All logic would tell them or you to stay safe and not risk their lives, but people do it every day.

Also, I live up in the mountains and I can see (some of) the beauty of this world every day and night and know that all this beauty cannot exist just by accident.

Also, I've heard a baby laugh and I've seen and talked to a woman and a man full of grace and charity and humility.

I've also seen what the lack of love in people will do and the pain it causes.

Without love, this world would just be a world of cuthroats.

So, to all those who believe that God is just a creation of their imaginations or a desire for a need for order or "illogical", are you willing to bet your life on it?
What box???


I liek chz



So... wrong.

Quote from: Red Devil on March 24, 2009, 08:35:43 PM
So, to all those who believe that God is just a creation of their imaginations or a desire for a need for order or "illogical", are you willing to bet your life on it?

Yes. And the lives of my family and friends.
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


Quote from: Spawn on March 24, 2009, 07:40:00 PM
I propose to you that MM is not an avatar of reality, but a reflection of everyone who contributes to your mythopoeia.  If you all lived on an island together, MM might just appear spontaneously.
Interestingly you hit close to home with another quirk with MM's existence. While being the avatar of reality, MM has his own 'mind scape' if you would. If you are somehow unlucky and find yourself INSIDE that mind scape, you will find it bigger than reality itself with several copies of everyone who had, is and will exist in reality there.
"Linux is user friendly...
...it's just very selective about who its friends are."


I liek chz




Quote from: cheesepuffly on March 25, 2009, 07:58:27 AM
whats uhh MM?
Exactly, but just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

Quote from: Red Devil on March 24, 2009, 08:35:43 PM
Me, I just don't believe in God - I know our God, our Father, lives.

Why?  How?  Because love exists.  And I'm not talking about that cute, smarmy, mushy, sissy love.  I'm talking about the love of friends and brothers that makes a man re-enlist to go fight - and die - with his brothers in the blood and filth and mud and dirt and disease and horror that is war.

I'm talking about the love of a perfect stranger rushing into a burning building to save a perfect stranger or the love a perfect stranger who dives in a freezing river to save a a perfect stranger or his granddaughter, then drowns.

I'm talking about the love of a friend jumping into a fight to defend his friend - even if his friend is wrong.

I'm talking about somebody messing with your family - even the ones you don't like much - and you going nuts on them.

All logic would tell them or you to stay safe and not risk their lives, but people do it every day.

Also, I live up in the mountains and I can see (some of) the beauty of this world every day and night and know that all this beauty cannot exist just by accident.

Also, I've heard a baby laugh and I've seen and talked to a woman and a man full of grace and charity and humility.

I've also seen what the lack of love in people will do and the pain it causes.

Without love, this world would just be a world of cuthroats.

So, to all those who believe that God is just a creation of their imaginations or a desire for a need for order or "illogical", are you willing to bet your life on it?

If everyone who based their morality on god has a view such as yours RD then the world would be...simpler.
But that isn't what happens, people use religion as a way to exclude others or show that they are "wrong", and what I do not understand is how someone such as yourself could not only let these defamations stand unhindered, but actively support them by agreeing with their reasoning.

People can love or hate, hate is just sadder.

Red Devil

Religion, as you say, is just another way for the herd to be rounded up and used for political ends.
What box???