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Messages - CmptrWz

Quote from: AHadley on October 18, 2009, 01:30:57 PM
If another argument like that breaks out I will not hesitate to lock this thread. Similarly, any more attacks on other forum users and Jay-ATL may wake up one morning and find himself banned.

Just a note, Jay-ATL has been banned for the attacks PLUS reporting a global moderator's post as "completely aggressive and unesscessary", amongst other claims of "attempting to get him banned for no reason" and such. On top of that, he refused to listen multiple times after bringing up an older, somewhat finished thread to try and cram his own badly-written ideas into it.

Personally, I think this community is better off (at a minimum in the spelling, grammar, insults, and intelligence departments) with him gone.
News / Re: BZUniverse Instant Messaging
March 29, 2009, 11:07:03 AM
Wait, that COULD get me more "negative" attention, couldn't it?

* CmptrWz adds that to his "look into" list, just to spite those that wouldn't like it
Overdrive Terminal / Re: Ya gotta commend evolutionists
February 13, 2009, 01:12:37 PM
Quote from: cheesepuffly on February 13, 2009, 10:52:32 AM
What kind of proof do you have they DON'T exist? If so whats your belief on the beginning of the universe.

I have no proof that they don't exist. I have no proof that they do.

Absence of proof against does not imply proof of, and absence of proof of does not imply proof against.

However, as the only decent "proof" anyone can provide me of the existence of a supreme being, that is not also considered "proof" of other things entirely, is that various religious texts supposedly influenced or directly written by said being say that said being exists and that he wrote said texts, I am inclined to believe that this "proof" is man-made fiction, and thus may be dismissed as fantasies of ancient people.

Thus, I cannot provide proof either way. I can argue likelihoods, though.

Is it likely that there is a single, solitary supreme being that is all powerful, cares about us only if we believe in him, punishes those that do not believe in him by letting them be taken by someone who previously betrayed him, and yet only allows the word of others who cannot have experienced any of it as his only message actually exists?

Based on the physical evidence at our disposal, probably not. By the very nature of the story, there is no evidence to be had. The description is fairly nonsensical as well, making it less believable.

Is it likely that said supreme being had a son, who died, came back, and is willing to take on all of our "sins" so that we can escape eternal torture?

Based on the physical evidence at our disposal, probably not. The only evidence we have are ancient items that have no guaranteed connection with anyone, and the stories about this miracle individual drop most of his life into the void, and most of it can't be easily proven. That which people claim HAS proven it has been shown to be easily faked with period technology and knowledge, to the point where some of it is more likely to be fake than real.

Is it likely that the universe, or this incarnation of the universe, began in a giant explosion an insanely high number of years ago?

Based on the physical evidence at our disposal, fairly.

Is it likely that said explosion was the work of a being beyond our comprehension?

Based on the physical evidence at our disposal, we can't tell. All of our physical evidence originates from the explosion.

The way I see it, if there is a supreme power in charge of the universe, they made one hell of a large place from our point of view. And yet, we are insignificant specks inside of it. Thus, I think it is much more likely that if said being does exist, they don't even know we are here.

I mean, lets face it. We are a tiny speck in a galaxy that is itself a tiny speck in the universe. Physical evidence shows that life on this planet has existed for an insignificant time in the timeline of the universe. If there IS a single person behind the creation of the entire universe I am willing to bet that they could do their equivalent of blinking and we have existed for less time then it takes their equivalent of an eyelid to start moving, let alone have them finish the blink.

And that is assuming that they didn't get bored with the universe who knows how long ago and moved on.
Overdrive Terminal / Re: Ya gotta commend evolutionists
February 13, 2009, 09:37:21 AM
Hey, unless you can prove that beings of significantly higher powers exist that are not just using technology to pretend to have higher powers I have to ascribe any tales of them doing so to the following:

1 - Fantasy stories that groups of people have decided are reality, against all definitions of sanity
2 - Aliens pretending to be gods (ala Stargate)
3 - Our future selves time-traveling, creating a causality loop beyond our understanding
4 - Some combination of the above

My money is on 1, for the record.
Overdrive Terminal / Re: Ya gotta commend evolutionists
February 13, 2009, 07:56:46 AM
Quote from: Power Board on February 13, 2009, 01:46:24 AM
I just thought I'd let you guys know, God told the people who wrote the Bible what to write. What you guys think is that the Bible was made by a group of scientists who had nothing to do with their lives.

Lets look at 2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is God-breathed
As I said before, God inspires the people who wrote the 66 books. Many of the people who wrote the Bible would have never knew eack other.

Using the Bible to "prove" that god wrote or heavily influenced the Bible is just stupid.

Here, lets play that game. God told me to write this post, and everything in it.

Because my post says that god told me to write it, he did.

By your logic, because my post says so, it must be true.

Back to REAL logic and history, many of the books of the FULL Bible were destroyed, because royalty did not like what was in them. They presented the "wrong image" and all that. And the various parts of the Bible were written at different times, by different people, many of which are believed to have been collecting information from all over by word of mouth before putting it down in the books they were writing. Most of them probably weren't even going to become "part" of the Bible.

Now then, unless you can come up with a way to prove that "God" wrote or heavily influenced the Bible that does not loop back to "the Bible says so" I forbid you from arguing that here. You have now said it once, you do not need to repeat it.
Overdrive Terminal / Re: Ya gotta commend evolutionists
February 08, 2009, 09:26:25 AM
Quote from: Power Board on February 07, 2009, 09:42:35 PM
I just thought I'd show you guys this:

    *  Roundness of the earth (Isaiah 40:22)
    * Almost infinite extent of the sidereal universe (Isaiah 55:9)
    * Law of conservation of mass and energy (II Peter 3:7)
    * Hydrologic cycle (Ecclesiastes 1:7)
    * Vast number of stars (Jeremiah 33:22)
    * Law of increasing entropy (Psalm 102:25-27)
    * Paramount importance of blood in life processes (Leviticus 17:11)
    * Atmospheric circulation (Ecclesiastes 1:6)
    * Gravitational field (Job 26:7)

It took one scientist to discover each of these things. They were in the Bible before those scientists dicovered them. Some of these things were discovered by christians, who didn't have to work hard to find what they were looking for because they were all in the Bible.

If anyone disagree with the above, feel free to PM me.

I disagree. But I won't PM you. I will do the disagreeing right here.

Man wrote the bible, collecting information from a multitude of sources to do. Hell, I have seen shows where they go into detail about where some of the stuff came from. Have not personally run all over the globe to verify them, but that is more a limitation of time and finances on my part.

Thus, for anything to have been in the bible, Man already figured out the science (where science was involved) or had been telling the (largely fictional) stories.

Anyone who says that the bible was written by God, and is infallible, need only look at the original texts (which we still have access to a number of) and the translated versions thereof. They differ in meaning SIGNIFICANTLY in a number of places. And most people do their belief based on the translations. Which we can, as I just mentioned, show to be incorrect.

The bible is an ancient encyclopedia of science and fiction, written by Man. Nothing more.
You see, I kicked you out because you were annoying me, both over steam chat and then you JOINED A GAME when I was waiting for other people to tell me about a non-existent problem. And then wouldn't shut up when I told you it was expected behavior.

In other words, you were being VERY annoying in a VERY short period of time.

Oh, and inviting me to join the BZU chat room, SEVEN TIMES, WHILE I AM SHOWING AS IN A GAME, did not help.

Lock engaged.
Illegal immigrants. Why do they work so hard to get into the crap we call a country?
Battlezone 1 / Re: Natty's Maps
January 17, 2009, 10:15:09 PM
Congrats. You just described every good, powerful tool for diagnosing and fixing software problems.
Overdrive Terminal / Re: BZ2 1.3pb4a Ban
December 31, 2008, 09:52:59 PM
Quote from: TheJamsh on December 28, 2008, 06:59:43 AM
I never knew CmptrWz owned BZ2MD as well as bzuniverse? i was under the impression it was fishys site. but im wrong obviously...

I have admin rights for a number of reasons, including but not limited to fixing problems should they come up while Fishbone isn't around.

I considered the situation as it stood a problem. I fixed it.
Overdrive Terminal / Re: BZ2 1.3pb4a Ban
December 25, 2008, 09:43:46 PM
Hey, look, I opened it back up.


1 - Sean can't use PMs here OR on BZ2MD. Here because he is banned here. BZ2MD because he was abusing the privilege and so I took it away. Hard to take things to PM with him because of that. Besides, if his actions in PMs were any indication, having an entire community watching him is actually MORE likely to get him to act more mature.
2 - Sean is no longer a moderator on BZ2MD. If I missed someplace he is still a moderator, please let me know.
3 - If Sean does start deleting things again (I can't be arsed to check all the permissions to see if he or anyone else can delete their own posts or topics anywhere) I will now be able to get a complete record of the deleted items.
If you get me a copy I can throw them up on BZScrap. If you need a temporary location to FTP them to I can provide that as well.

Actually, you are on the 1.3 team. Use the FTP space I set up for them, I can move the stuff out afterwards.
News / Re: Inappropriate Content
December 18, 2008, 05:58:23 AM
For the record, I am now up to two weeks ban per offense I deal with personally from finding them myself or through others letting me know, and am going to be dropping 1 month to permabans for those that my provider tells me about.
Overdrive Terminal / Re: So next year (ish)
December 16, 2008, 12:45:14 PM
My father ran a business dealing with computers out of the house. I got into them that way. Now I know more about a lot of things regarding them, especially software. Go figure.

As for lego, whooo boy do I have some lego experience. Worked right next to the lego lab at MIT for a while. The place they developed the mindstorms stuff. They had enough legos hiding under the FLOOR to build a small human-sized structure, nevermind what they had actually accessible.