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Messages - Harold Meneley

Battlezone 2 / Wiine 1.1.0
December 13, 2008, 09:06:22 PM
I don't know what the problem is, but I ran BZ2 ever since Wine 9.0 and it has always worked. The minor problems are being fixed by people reporting them to the Wine Bugzilla. I now use then 1.1.0 version awith BZ2 version 1.2 and Public Beta 1.3 versions 3 and 4a. They seem to work for the most part. I noticed they broke the video frame rate in the newer Wine versions. Always install Wine then onfigure and install BZ2 clean, then patch.
So, is there a way to work around this (edit some file) or am I going to have multiple versions of BZ just to experiment with.
I really like to redo the missions and seeing how other choices work, like Mortar Bikes vs Sabres.
So I download 1.3PB4a. I play single missions and get to the Transformation mission by following Commander with the tug and power source. I set up base and escort hauler to the drop point, I watch it take off. That is when I get a debug error message and it locks up BZ2. Exit the program and I can't get to the next mission. I run Linux, with no problems before. I ran PB1.3v3 without sound and it worked great with the new Wine 1.1.0.
I am using dbghelp.dll as suggested by Wine AppDB. All other versions of BZ2 ran with only minor errors, but worked.
I can't see the error message from the debug window.
  Any suggestions????