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Maps and Modding / Re: Adding Stock Voiceovers To Keys
August 22, 2009, 01:22:03 AM
The ability to hit a bind and having other people on your team hear a sound has been a feature in 1.3 for a long time

lubber lick requested it, request granted, it worked.. haven't seen anyone use it since.

the drawback was, people had to download the sound file you wanted them to play.

So you had to make a sound pack of sorts and distribute it.

and the inner team VO's in tribes/tribes2 were incredibly useful, but the teams and maps were much bigger, like 64vs64 on a 1mile x 1mile map

also I think lubber was trying to integrate this feature with jabbapops chat mod (bzerc utility)
Maps and Modding / Re: Adding Stock Voiceovers To Keys
August 18, 2009, 08:13:37 AM
heh I remember when lubberlick requested that feature be added..

Damn that was a long time ago.
i used a saber and ran circles around it, anything short of a track vehicle can circle it..

commando used his saber, and with cannons killed it fast

if you are alone and or want to do it faster run circles around it, and send 20 bikes after it
Battlezone 2 / Re: Why Walkers?
February 09, 2009, 01:05:39 PM
Yes it would seem japan has a real hard on for Mecha.

If you ever go to a Japanese themed image board, that's one of the categories, with Gundam this Gundam that.

Its the anime's like the ones you've mentioned (other than big o) that have designs that resemble some sort of functionality.

Anyone here remotely interested in anything aforementioned should see Appleseed, Appleseed2, Vexile..

they're all 3d CGI like final fantasy spirites within but they're all heavily based on mecha.
Battlezone 2 / Re: Video Lag
February 09, 2009, 01:04:13 PM
woops wrong thread
Overdrive Terminal / Re: Would you pay to play?
October 15, 2008, 11:23:07 AM
Quote from: AcneVulgaris on October 06, 2008, 03:54:40 PM
I think are under served by the RTS FPS side of the mainstream game industry.

fixed ;)

I think I remember Bs'er posting some pix of him playing 10six or something like it where it was a persistant world enviroment like Eve-online where when you log off, thats just your character everyone else plays around the clock and his poor little base got mauled while he was away.

When i changed the gameinfotxt or whatever it was that let me put up 21 player strategy games in battlezone1 A few people at the time got a good taste of what a all out intense persistant world warfar game was like.. since the server host passed around, if you were lucky the game you made would actually be up like 20 hours later. grey scrap everywhere, multiple people per team (team not alliance)


money/month is ok if its got a good reason behind it.

One reason is usually the bandwidth cost for games that are some what serverside and or the multiplayer experience is only established through the developers.

EI) planetside, eve, wow.. etc etc..

steam had a neat way of doing things.. some people hate it and boycot it, but that is simply childish regaurdless of the size of ones ego.
the valve games through steam are protected by vac(valve anti cheat) to play these games online you must own the game on your steam account, there is litterally no way to play with people online with a pirated copy.

and they have a instant messenger (friends list) that interfaces in game via super imposing, like X fire i guess...

imo that feature has become a little more imposing and less evasive over the last few revisions, also lost the ability to play chess/checkers/cardgames in the friends list at some point :O

when you tie paypal in through a creditcard you can bounce off fraudulent charges and such, so done right paypal is a sure thing.
find a way to support western union while your at it and your good to go. :P

Overdrive Terminal / Re: Carrier Command Lives!
October 07, 2008, 06:25:25 PM
Parkan Iron strat was like battlezone in some ways, and alot like mechwarrior in the detail of the loadout you could make, the second one had great screenshots, but it seems to have vanished.
Overdrive Terminal / Re: Battlezone 3
September 24, 2008, 06:14:08 AM
Quote from: OvermindDL1 on September 14, 2008, 07:46:04 AM
So engine is not important?  Well, let's do it in the old doom engine, easy to make things in it. :)

On the contrary OM..

I think the engine is the only thing that would prove to be a "cop out" in the end.

I mean if you want to make the game something people can get lost in like they did in the two previous installments of bz..

a mear theme isn't going to cut it imho.

although you could argue content placed on an engine packaged into a game is nothing else but a theme..

but battlezone really does not go well on any tried tested and true engine i've seen out there thus far.

ut3 hl2 bf2 h3 all have pretty big problems if they tried to be battlezone, is all i'm sayin...

with pixel shading 3.0 and parallel mapping the way it is now, i'd half expect a every day game of bz3 to look like a cut from the CG intro of halo generals :)

hopefully not the unfortunate center of a "the escapist, Zero Punctuation" review, altho they are friggin hilarious.
Overdrive Terminal / Re: Battlezone 3
September 14, 2008, 07:07:07 AM
Quote from: Red Devil on September 02, 2008, 12:54:52 PM
What makes a game? 

Engine?  no

Models?  yes

Weapons?  yes

Environment?  yes

Sounds?  yes

Story?  yes

VO's?  maybe

So what are we waiting for?

Oh yeah. Time.

yea turrets are touchy, not for the reason Avatar specified, but for the reason APC's specified.

before they shoot a bullet at the ship you tell them to attack eitherthe target unit be 2 meters or 120 meters away they allways undeploy and then deploy again without moving then they will open fire.

It is rather hard to get a group of turrets in a picket line to converge on the same target when using that command only makes the one not in range move into range and the ones in range already undeploy anyways.. telling them to hold only makes them re-target/cycle targets or something.. what behavior they use for that i don't know.

IMHO its very limited when communicating what you want that turret to do with only a single command. One person might use that command wanting the turrets to all move into exact range and deploy and open fire, another person would want all the turrets attention on the unit they were told to attack, that may be something that might not even be in range of any of them.

Its certainly Frustrating and I'm sure if it were possible people would come up with many commands for turrets and other vehicles, probably the most common being the same commands you could toggle on units in TotalAnnihilation.

which were 3 behaviors each for the attack and movement Functions of a unit... every time you clicked the movement button it would toggle the units instruction between, Hold Position, Evade, and Roam. The attack button toggled through Hold Fire, Return Fire, Fire At Will.

A fix for the turrets sinking there claws back in for no good reason would be a nice little fix, but for anything like total annihilation + battlezone, that'd have to be for bz3 i think :P

Perhaps the list of commands you can issue to a unit when you select it will be context sensitive to what it is doing, that'd be slick.
Public 1.3 Beta 2 Archive / Re: fix to visual lag
March 07, 2006, 01:15:05 AM
Well done Spawn, it was nearly speck with 1.2 at the very most things were a quarter of a ships length behind the hitbox, and even with the huge increase in studdering ships i always knew where they were and always hit them. with mwf 1 this should be the ultimate win! :D you sir win a free interwebz!

now if only we could get some kind of "smoothness" while we have the visual model and the hitbox in the same spot, might have a sezure eventually with those twitching units on the screen  :P
dont u have 2k lag squirrel?
Public 1.3 Beta 2 Archive / Re: Modlog for modders
March 06, 2006, 06:45:42 PM
With a bit of luck and some Tank-Fu I could take'em!
TLI doest tell you how far Ahead youhave to lead to compensate for acceleration you have to be preominent... same went for bz2 1.2, in 1.3 thats alot harder to judge due to the visual catchup the model is doing.

I had a fraps where i was shooting clear though some units with blast cannon, better yet to hit these units drving by my ass tank id have to aim many many ship lengths into the air infront of them to actually score a hit, and yes you can see a model hit sprite show up against the hitbox in thin air like your hitting a cloaked ship.....

ill try diging it up, but why do you need the proof? this was since build 31 publicbeta1 its jawdroping that it was so hard for people too see.
even more so it was brought to attention long before this release and Commando makes it sound like it was something that just popped out of no where......