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Messages - Nielk1

Public 1.3 Beta 3 Archive / Re: on beta .4
September 30, 2007, 11:50:59 AM
Many have asked, few have servived...

Nope, nope a clue...
I was reffering to BZ2's actualy movement recording function.  Will it record the movements of the other humans correctly?
Can you record a multiplayer game and play it back? :-P
It is everything from Work to Lack of Sleep.

Things go in cycles, so it is when the high # is low that you have to worry.
This isn't the Explosiv release of Battlezone is it?  Just thought I'd ask as I have heard horror storries about said version.

Do you use a 3rd part program in any relation to Battlezone?
Multiplayer game matchmakers (out of game lobby) or god forbid some sort of trainer?
WTH?  It looks worse that the stuff the school printers like to spit out.
When bz2 compleatly fails, and there is no way out other than rebooting, first try hybernating.  Sleep isn't deep enough, but if you hybernate your PC and then bring it back, and then if you are in XP and log back into your user, bz2 will be minimized and you can safely close it via right clicking on it in the taskbar.

My PC hybernates if I pres the power button once, most turn off *corectly* when you do that.  I think it may be a setting on the BIOS page you can get during boot up, check it out but if your only looking be sure to exit without saving changes uless your damn sure what your doing.

WOW, that was fast.  JARGIN?  Ah, post it, I wanna see. :-P
Public 1.3 Beta 3 Archive / Re: Blurry Images
July 15, 2007, 11:46:25 AM
d3d: max texture size 2048x2048
hmm, smaller than yours... lol
What does that mean? I don't think any texture I have is larger than that?

I will try that other command shortly, I found it in the changelog.
I can change that mid game right?
To test?
All values between, but not including, -2 and 2?
Public 1.3 Beta 3 Archive / Re: Blurry Images
July 07, 2007, 10:31:02 PM
more info:

I got the /nodxt tag working, but it still is not as clear as 1.2 or a 1 mipmap dxt.
Public 1.3 Beta 3 Archive / Blurry Images
July 02, 2007, 09:02:10 PM
I never noticed until I started to play multiplayer more!
All the DXTs are blurry!  I have tried almost everything!
The noDXT tag isnt working and the only way to fix it is to take all the pic versions and use the make DXT program to render tham all at 1 mipmaps and put them in the addon folder.

When I set ingame mipmaps to 1 it is very pixilated, all other values are identicly blurry.


DirectX: 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
Device: ATI RADEON XPRESS 200 Series
Driver: ati2dvag.dll v6.14.0010.6571

Need anything else?
Can the following line be added to the end of the bzgame_keys.cfg in the pak and an empty cfg thrown in the addon under config so that customization is even easier?


This way, people dont have the search for the bzgame_keys.cfg in the pak but can instead just pop their custom bindings in the easy to access files.  By putting it at the end of the cfg, it ensures that it can overwrite previous bindings.

This is NOT a big change, I just think it would be a nice thing to throw in there to make it esier for people to add in TV's and other binding mods (which will soon be on my wiki).

If this is not included, I will make it a DL on my site (as I will have to for other versions of bz2).

If I am making some mistake, like mabye that command can't be used there, plz tell me.  It seems to be working here?

A few more control presets would be nice too, I'll write them myself and submit them if need be. :roll:
You can use a listbox that refferences a txt file of a list of the weapon ODFs.
I could have spellc checked, but I was in a hurry when I first posted and forgot about the spelling... :roll:
Quote from: Total Oblivion Omnis on March 28, 2007, 08:32:38 PM
I've done some pretty crazy stuff with that idea. I edited an ASCII .bzn file for a map of mine. There was a value that told what was inside of a craft. I changed it to something different. ANYTHING worked, including buildings. I ejected as a gun tower, another ship (heck, I think I even ejected as a recyclear).

Treid that before, but you can't get into another unit!