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Messages - Scout

Public 1.3 Beta Archive / Scion Rights!
March 08, 2004, 11:15:16 PM
well the game at hand i do believe is one me and acne played.. where i ended with a recycling of the recycler cuase i felt blantly ripped off.

I could have handled it better since there were holes i didnt exploit properly in his 10-30 turret defencive "field" but over all i joined in on the middle of the game where it was "pooh" a vet and acne vs aougli and some element nubcake that didnt know how to morph..

so after that id say i did ok seeing as he almost lost his rec, by 1 more fang hit.. but it was the time between then and the end that were the problems.

I personally saw the fault in not being able to inflict equal damage to the sabres that they were doing to us. Sounds wierd now doesnt it? Well id have to blame the netcode. One of the changes in 1.3 has brought on a different kind of warp that certain weapons benifit from and others dont.

this warp.. is in a nut shell something like blinking in 1.2 where the players model and where they really were didnt align for a few seconds.. i dont know if most of you have seen this.. but if sum1 in 1.2 blinked to you.. youd see that green orb explosion of the ship exiting the blink and the ship wasnt there.. few secodns later it was float in to place from the origonal position the person blinked from.. it looked like a ship coming out of warp in Startrek >:D

either way this blink warp Is what this new 1.3 warp reminds me off..
but its far from as bad as 1.2 blinking..

what ive seen is the hitbox and where the weapons are eminating from in 1.3 doesnt line up with the visual model most people shoot for.

the "visual" lags meters behind depending on the speed of the ship..

So how does this have to do with weapons? well for the most part u can hit a person once abush style as it went most of the time that game.. and after that theyed be moving left right like the usual "vet" way where arc isnt as instant as blast, altho its 1 click to fire it.. its actually a salvo of 5 or so shots one after the other.. where as a blast mdm can be sent off nearly at the same time to a slow target.. eh a warrior.. :P

esp if u where ambushed from above and didnt see em etc..

and in the end assualt the mortar rape ensued.. thanks all of those so called "vets" for wanting the final hand in killing ai spires to be a human job..

no reason i shouldnt have lost if u were just counting there ai army vs my scion base.. 3 spires 1 jammer

not to mention the 10 or so apcs where we scions hand NOTHING to kill them with
i started making hoot loads of pods JUST to blink on them multiple times.. as i can tell the apc "soldier" has had there space suit beefed up prolyl to withstand a few more mortar splash damage hits..

all in all, 1.3.. dont count on using scion.. Ever

ass/rocket tanks configured well are just plain killing machines (which i love) but even the mualer with tis more non-nuasiating  anti head bob(which a few clueless do gooders in the 1.3 team wanted out(the new beta members, they didnt know the real vets from the early days had over seen kens removal of the head bob)) doesnt help the scions case any..

and for the commanders who love to bomb the bugs, well youll be glad to know the archers on many bumpy maps have grossly large leads on the bombers movment and totally miss with popper and such..
Public 1.3 Beta Archive / Account Deletion Request
March 08, 2004, 08:59:54 PM
bz1 didnt have flying..

Public 1.3 Beta Archive / Account Deletion Request
March 08, 2004, 02:33:24 PM
what the frick? whats with everyone droping like flys...
i do believe the change in price resides in the fact That 2 pools you never go into green, meaning its more than easy under the same circumstances

isdf can mass produce turrets

the very fallacy of bz2s resource system, favoured so much by u noobs :D
"The shadowy relationship between what I see on my screen and what is going on from the other player's perspective is what breaks the more competitive aspect of multiplayer for me"

Very Very well said.. if bz2 had netcode in the range of.. UT2k4 where they do have craft AIR/HOVER/Wheel that can move extremely fast, where i can still no scope with the lighting rifle, which i do...

Then Bz2 would have another dimention to it. The COmpeditiveness would be great fun for all and the community would just feed itself.. like Cs.. but with every RTS+fps hybrid ud have to minus the Jar head script kiddys...

besides, if bz2 was good enuf to make demos and had a spectator mode.. i wouldnt doubt it coming up into the CAL range.. but i guess ill have to settle for jetpacks and and lerks in CAL-NS =/
looks like a safe tweek.

boy if we had more ppl like you around, thatd be one nice pollish off for 1.3 :)
Public 1.3 Beta Archive / why r u deleting post???
March 07, 2004, 12:15:05 AM
DS ya noobie... why would you care what version you use.. ud have no skill in either. not only.. many locs Have it and on our ventrilo server bird is playing with bean.. prolly some other vet the next day and so on.. you sound like, a whiny bitch.

people still play 1.0 and 1.1

how do i know this?

few weeks ago i put xp back on and.. i started bz after reinstalling and the recycler mesh was gone :o OHnoes! im in 1.0 land.. wtf there was enuf games up to make me think it was 1.2....

i converted 5 people on the spot :D

any how.. point being theres gona be a few straglers that come burning up the rear, you can choose to be one of these people.
well warpying is more like.. u shoot a craft with laser and u watch it go striaght thru the visible enemy model.

jumppy is like of popping around from mwf resync to mwf resync, intervals in less than a second. but the player is always hittable @ these syncs

in 1.3 with mwf on i noticed a very different type of lag nathan didnt bother to look @. perhapps its my "scout speak".. any1 thats willing will understand what im typing even if the gammer isnt perfect.

Any how.. this new lag.. to put it ultra simple its like a mininute 1.2 blink effect that is in effect when a player/ai unit is moving.
ei the visible model is lagging behind so much so "landing the shot" in on a person/ai craft is actually harder...

i first noticed this when fighting a warrior one time in the beta Some build in a galaxy far away.... the warrior was facing me and i was facing him he was circle strafing to my right while shootin. But his shots where originating 1 whole ships width right of where i saw him. Now that is just plain bad. A unit moving as slow and as constant as a strafing ai warrior and u cant even shoot in the middle of the visible Model and hurt it..

if anything should be done at all.. the visible model should be *Ammo*ing glued to the hitbox so like any other standard fps u can actually HIT what u see when you SEE it hit the enemy.

a certain netsmooth will prolly reduce this..
Public 1.3 Beta Archive / In your opinion...
March 05, 2004, 01:57:21 PM
Netcode(i want every fight to be like the first dog fight.. like in dm, no warp)

wait a sec.. i already play 1.3 :D
what the fk is a camp?

doo i look like a "good beta tester"

well i knew were my repects were at least, it was a huge luagh when u got the mualer set back in the build tree.. and every time we were on the battlefield in 1.3beta ud scream what ever means i destroyed you with.. was UNBLANCED With the races being unique you need to do what that race is best at and not bleed them both down to some sort of worthless weapon watersoaker fight.


people havent even conjured up a plan as to what scion vs isdf should be like and how were gona get there.. any time any1 thinks of changing or reverting something its always "uh when i goto play bz2 and im isdf vs isdf this is going to hugely unblananced." ...

id blame so called "Vets" for the freezing any game mechanic change.
"- Walkers do greater damage per shot, and can take out a tank with 3 blast shots and 1 laser, a scout with 1 blast + 1 laser. "

still using 1.2 data appel?

2 assualt blasts (1 shot from walker) will annhilate a scout...

the walker was givin these cannons to try and bring its on field effectiveness to par..

when something like the ablity for it to lay prox or m-curtain to make itself a sheild would have been awsome...

theres still a few problems with this 1.3 walker.. the radar/ingadge range..
Public 1.3 Beta Archive / AV MPI
March 02, 2004, 03:36:06 AM
i put this av up on the 1.3 private forum.

i didnt get as much as your guys tho..

i had 2 builders that were deconstructing that newbs layout and was in the middle of laying my own. then poof as i hit space on a build order(telling a builder to make something)
Public 1.3 Beta Archive / Hovering Suggestion!
March 02, 2004, 03:21:58 AM
1.3 didnt loose balance, a noobie would say that 1.3 tossed away balance

your playing isdf vs isdf anyways that is balance

what you should have said, is your personal distiction of "fun" rapist clowning around in the sky?  :)
the 64 channels of 3d sound is very L33T very happy nathan put that in :)

i love loading assualt tank with mdm or plain mortar and letting them hold ground for once. Also i take shadower off the rocket tank and leave that duel combat hardpoint blank.. making that rockettank a heavy Salvo turret. :o

Switching servers with a much greater chance of no1 droping is also stunning.

host set MWF anti av anti joiner bug..

turrets dont sink in pools, stuff gets pushed out of buildings in construction proccess..

turrets for the first time lead there targets correctly based on the weapon they are equip with. tho not invincible, just drive up to them while there turret is rotating there guns away from you, and circle straf them withing 16meters and they cant turn the turret fast enuf. Very nice touch

FLipping command all game doesnt generate a duel commander bug HORAY!
well there is only one thruster on most of the hoverships anyways.. the back thruster that propells the ship forward.. would like to think there was something other than invisible jets powering reverse and straf etc..

like a mag lev/ electro-static replusors and the like.. with the ship repelling off the ground it would work like two north poles the ground and the ship..

When they are far appart there isnt much force between them now is there?

well ive proposed many times that there be a slider in the shell options that controlled the fade out of the replusion effect with height gain.. but this would prolly take some odd amount of coding..

Another "radical" idea of mine was having the repulsor fade+a different thruster physics.. seeing as the ships get pushed across the ground by a rocket thruster.. propellent Ion/Chem what ever pushing off the back of the ship wouldnt cut thrust with any height gain.. so pretty much if u facing up while going up a hill you would keep your air..

basicly you could close huge gaps on maps like "raverace" in bz1 with both Realism and Fun.

but i guess that can wait for another game.