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imagelauncher doesn't support pilot cockpits?

Started by ScarleTomato, October 31, 2009, 03:05:31 PM

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At the moment im trying to modify the igbzka_c to make it an imagelauncher but when i change it, it loses the cockpit. no other changes just the classLabel, and the addition of [LauncherClass].

I can do it for igbzka_a since the geometries are already called in _c but i can't change _c. Are there any extra geometries i need to add for an imagelauncher or does it not support pilot geometries?


If you've got FE, check fedata.pak as it includes a missile launcher which launches dumb missiles similar to FAFs. I once changed the missiles to be a FAF for combat and a shadower for assault. It worked fine, it was just massively overpowered for PilotDM... shame really, it was a bloody good weapon. Should have kept it for PF singleplayer.

But it is possible.


Quote from: AHadley on October 31, 2009, 03:24:23 PM
If you've got FE, check fedata.pak as it includes a missile launcher which launches dumb missiles similar to FAFs.
yeah FAFs are easy, cause you just use cannon as the launcher which seems to support the cockpit geometries, igbzka_c initially does that. But i was wanting a launcher that can lock on.
QuoteI once changed the missiles to be a FAF for combat and a shadower for assault.
I can do it for assault because the pilot geometries are defined i the combat version '_c' but if i change the combat version to (as far as i can tell) anything other than cannon it no longer displays the geometries.

do you remember the name of the FE weapon or the race? im looking through FEdata.pak with no luck yet.
i think i found the one you're talking about. igsam_a and igsam_c? The version that defines the geometries (igsam_c) is still a cannon class.


That's the one. I didn't look at the ODF that closely, but no problem... I didn't encounter your issue with the shadower... :S

General BlackDragon


I would think the classlabel could be changed and still use the cockpit geometries.

IF all else fails, make the _a form of the weapon IsAssault = 0 so the pilot doesn't deploy and it works like changing weapons in a normal ship.

*****General BlackDragon*****


thats cool, i didn't know that's what isAssault did. I'll definitley use that one. NVM that didn't do what i thought you were saying. :P
I thought you meant you could equip both of them on one pilot simultaneously and then not have to crouch to shoot the second one.

Unfortunatley, i'm trying to get both of them to lock on like shadowers. If one of them was a cannon, I would be able to use that one for defining the geometries. I was just gonna see if there was a class i didn't know about that could use geometries and lock on. I tried imagelauncher, thermallauncher, and radarlauncher, with no luck.

General BlackDragon

I'm fairly sure that the reason the 2nd weapon causes pilot's to crouch is because it has "isAssault = 1" in it. If you remove that from the g***_a file, it should make the pilot not crouch when you switch to the 2nd weapon.

*****General BlackDragon*****


Ive done this before... certain of it :S.

Just used the stock ISDF bazooka, and change the ordnance to a shadower to test it.

ZE has this as well if i remember rightly.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


changing the ordnance just changes the rocket itself, it doesn't add the lock-on feature. (the big yellow circle that gets smaller and turns red as you hold down fire).

Just tested it by changing the ordnance of igbzka_c from bazooka_c to shadow_c. It just acts like a dumbfire rocket. My guess is because it hasn't used an imagelauncher to tag anything.

Quote from: General BlackDragon on October 31, 2009, 06:08:16 PM
I'm fairly sure that the reason the 2nd weapon causes pilot's to crouch is because it has "isAssault = 1" in it. If you remove that from the g***_a file, it should make the pilot not crouch when you switch to the 2nd weapon.
when i make it isAssault = 0 the weapon doesn't get used because the second slot on the pilot is an assault slot. When i run over the pickup it just makes my first gun a Rocket and keeps the Sniper for the second slot. You might be thinking of changing the weapon slot in the pilot odf to isAssault = 0. I dont really want to do that because i still want to be able to use the sniper.


i know that :P, i changed to a launcher too.

This DOES work, MrTwoSheds has used visual hardpoints for ALL of his weapons for the Daleks.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Sigh. AGAIN, Jamsh is wrong. AGAIN.

What he just referenced is the visual HP, ScarleTomato is talking about the cockpit model.

I assume ST is correct, that the IMAGELAUNCHER does not have the ability to set the cockpit model, which BTW lays OVER the 3D cockpit of the unit and will show weather cockpits are on or not.

Click on the image...


I remember driving something with a scav cockpit with my pulse rifle poking out through the forward sheild...


I knew what i meant.... just couldn't word it properly...

The scav cockpit with pulse rifle was the ATV... which should be fixed now (but you cant get damned SVN)

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


You're gonna need to pack me an update unless OM gets back to me :P


Its more the entire thing id need to pack up, as the last update (b11a) caused some issues...

I HATE zips now... SVN is far better if you ask me.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.