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Satchel Charge in MP

Started by Giguana, March 16, 2004, 04:28:36 PM

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Quotedont know guys ill just get in a scout drive fast hop out click C then ship pick me up... then again...
that would mean you would only be able to place satchels near where you stoped your scout, the scout would show on the other teams radar so they would know where you planted the satchel... even if you drop many of them they`ll be close toguether so if you find one you find em all.The only way to plant them apart would be by driving the scout to another point in the base but by them you would probrably have been engaged by enemy units and GT`s becouse by the time you get satchels the other team would already have some base defence.
So i really dont think the satchel would pose such a threat, it would work mainly as a diversion, as the other team will have to stop what theyre doing  to find the satchels else theyll have some firework in their base :D


A laser designator that sits on a target for 20 seconds, then drops a 'Day Wreker' Bomb. Hehehehe....


Quote from: DarkFoxNo-one would accept any of these wild ideas about satches, but just throwing one out that'd be fun, I'd like to see the satches as a very powerful weapon (about 6000 damage, half a rec), with a 2 minute fuse, and which is warned for all players 'satches plant detected', but not highlighted on their HUDS, so they have to search for it. Obviously, it would cost about 50 scrap, that'd be fun IMO.

That is a very cool idea!


Jwk the Hemp Monkey

It would be good if we could perhaps have each race with a different version of attack.

E.g., the EDF have a small Bio-metal-nuclea device, the scions have a 'virus node' and the hadeans would have a 'Mega gun strike.

Each would do the same damage and involving the planting of a small device somewhere on the base....but would have different fluff and graphical affects...strategically identical.

If at all possiable, there should be a 'Warning: small high energy device detected within base perimiter' thing. Mabey even a sound file if at all possiable.


This is starting to sound quite like some old starcraft nuclear launch tacctics...

I'd get such glory from planting one on top of a cliff, just to put the hoots on the enemy team for 2 minutes. :)

Zero Angel

Hmm, chargegun, firing a spraybomb that lays a mine, that dispenses a popper, that fires a big laser stream.

Could work
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
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Dutchboy did a really cool sattelite with launch animation that is similar to what you describe.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Is that for the hadean 'beam weapon' thing then?...

The fluff would say that it is helping the mega-guard beam fire though atmospheric and electromagnetic interference (given off by the base and its buildings) so that it can accuratly fire a beam off....

Didnt the single player have one go off? Although it totalled the entire base....

And for the scion 'Virus Node'....what would the graphical affects be for that? I was thinking some kind of green gaseous partical affect that spread itself over the polygons of the base, tracing it way around and causing a large powerful splash damage (same as other weapons of course)


i dont know guys this sounds preaty weird for my bz2 game ;)

and well.. if u kill their ships? or, just do it near each pool... plant on it with hopping... i dont think satchel for pilot could work while u regain it when u hop in/out of ship... and following my ship around will be a tough job :D
and... ill just jump sometimes planting it on buildings which will take them some time to get it (e.g on top of the factor, or a gun tower or a rat.. they'll have to move the rat then kill the satchel then get back to chasing me while ill plant more)

this sounds ridicouls :lol:

Zero Angel

Quote...and following my ship around will be a tough job :D
Yeah, probably because of all the WARP, you damned warper.  :x

...  :lol:
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Quoteill just jump sometimes planting it on buildings which will take them some time to get it (e.g on top of the factor, or a gun tower or a rat.. they'll have to move the rat then kill the satchel then get back to chasing me while

Good point.....

perhaps giving them piss all armour, and letting them attract AI unit fire....that would mean you could splash-damage and find/destroy them...

mdming your own GT heh


that'll just suck.. and without easy hover ill just hover from a hill far away and plant it on your factory, armory, pools, tech bomber bay and all othe buildings.. even the arm of the bay... which will be extremly hard to get

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Perhaps having it as a 'special' weapon.

In one of the (amazing, god they were all amazing) FE single player missions, you had to plant a little communicator device whilst targeting the Cerberi Component. This then called down an orbital Antimatter Beam created by the Scion Ark II mother ship.

Perhaps this would be a good idea. A unit with a special hardpoint would cost 50 scrap minimum...make the weapon , be it the hadean targeting becaon, scion virus node capsul, or the EDF thermonuclea bomb, a crate only available from the Armour/Stronghold/Arsenal.

This would make it harder to stick things 'on top' of the buildings, because its easy to jet-pack up there as a piolet, and alittle harder to drive head-first into their base, not die and then plan the device.

The device it self could be very small, but being only 'deployable' from a scout-type unit would mean that it would be excedingly difficult to stick it 'inside' buildings and such.

Mabey this would make the Snatchal Charge idea believable, fun and balenced.


i dont remember which mod had it... but a bomb from the armory...

if u could make that only it'll land faster or maybe just apper there then it can be good... since it cant recharge by just getting ammo / hopping in / out of vechile