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1.3 Final: Wish list . . . add yours too

Started by Knight, March 20, 2004, 05:45:27 AM

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I don't know how hard this would be to program but at the end of single/instant missions i feel robbed when the screen cuts away as soon as i thram the enemy recycler. I would like the camera to pull back and up and show me the devestation i've wrought (wroughted, wrote, written?).
 It would be nice if i could decide when the game cuts away to the main screen as it's nice to see what units survived the attack and maybe even watch them doing some mopping up.
As i say i have no idea how difficult this would be to implement.
Please tell us your wish list and try to keep it realistic not only in terms of what is techinically possible but what is practical considering those lads are putting in the work for the love of it rather than as a career move.


1.3 waits about 10 seconds before it ends the game, giving you a chance to see your destruction and cheer. :)


Well, if I could wish for something wild it would be formations.

When taking an assault group a long distance, set them to single file for easier movement. When assaulting, set them to horizonal line. when setting a group of turrets at a choke point, make an arc. when setting a combat group against an attacking assault group, set them to delta.
I just really hate having a group of units all messed up falling all over themselves and incapable of doing anything but get themselves killed because they can't figure out which way to go or how to get around each other.

I'm sure this is way outside what could be done easily with the current engine, alas.


i want one that goes up to 11.



It is something of beuty to see Attillas marching in a row annihilating everyhting infront of them.


If I could wish for something it would be a few more options to make the game something a little closer to what everyone likes.

Take all the main subjects of conflict on 1.3 and make them options so almost everyone could enjoy  1.3 as much as they have 1.2


Yeah i like to link them into a chain then if possible set them parralel to the enemy base then give the attack order, that way they advance in a line.
 Needs open maps though.
p.s. how do you attach screen shots to the posts.


Quote from: KnightYeah i like to link them into a chain then if possible set them parralel to the enemy base then give the attack order, that way they advance in a line.
 Needs open maps though.
p.s. how do you attach screen shots to the posts.

You need webspace somewhere to display pics. You have to upload what you want us to see to your webspace and then give a link to the pic in your post.

Some places will not allow crosslinking though.


Minor request but I'd love to be able to use the laser sighting effect (ie: hexagonal beam) in weapon FX, can just imagine the kinds of eyecandy that could be made with that...

Only other thing would be proper trail FX as per BZ1 big assets patch, apart from those 1.3 has the goods.


Just one thing I wish for:
Your ship being equipped with a 'dukes of hazard' sounding horn.


jumping bunny in the middle of the map sometimes - just to have a laugh :D


Uhh, wildlife, SP has it :) , IA not :( . Very easy to do, sounds like one of those things you can add to a mod with all kinds of small modifications.


To have those useless Interface things in the training facility and bomber bay do something.
My ideas:
The training facility could modify what ship pilots/apc pilots are armed with.

The bomber bay... gee what could the bomber bay modify?


QuoteThe training facility could modify what ship pilots/apc pilots are armed with

The apc pilot weapons choice would be nice, dif wepons would give dif prices to the apc just like with custom tanks/scouts etc.

Giving the ai units pilots with dif weaps would require a new price system for the units and it would also require the ai pilots to actually attack instead of just running back to base.


I mean a real ground effect FX setup, that would display at ground level dependent on the height of the vehicle - no point having a dust trail if its 50 metres high in the air, just looks like damage. And yeah I've tried lotsa stuff, and still playing with ideas ;)

Re: the consoles, would be way cool to be able to call a specific iface script from building terminal as defined in its ODF - but a lot of that stuff can be scripted in the DLL anyways I think.