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1.3 Final: Wish list . . . add yours too

Started by Knight, March 20, 2004, 05:45:27 AM

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Considering the flight mechanics being applied,  that is unreal. Even tho bz2 isn't a realist game, that's rediculous. If you think we're bashing 1.3, the flight mechanics you will be implementing will really bash mods that have flying vehicles. It's just not right to be flying, push back, and lose health.

APCs r evil

Quote from: AvatarIf I had one MAJOR wish fullfilled it would be for the current "Morph" to be more than just a different form of "Deploy", but rather tied in with whatever code handles "Upgrade".

That is, when you 'morph' a ship it would actually become something else.  This would allow multiple morph states (light/medium/heavy) or class changes (walker/hovertank).  It would be, in effect, the same thing that Scavs do when they deploy on a pool.

That way I could finally get my flying Maulers...   :)


(which is, of course, the final thing needed for world domination...)

I meant to say something on this a while ago but I guess it slipped my mind, now I just wanted you to know that I shed a tear when I saw the pic and IMO it should be in the Louvre(at least I think thats how it's spelled) as it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
P.S. Why on earth isn't there a humbling beauty smiley?


Hmm, I have an experiment I would wish to perform, any chance I could borrow those models and odf's?


Quote from: GSHI wish you guys would stop thinking you could write blank checks on my time. They started bouncing a long time ago.

What's more amusing, in a sick way, are those that bash 1.3 and still request huge things. As if they think that bashing is a good way to be listened to. Fat chance.

I am sorry to see he is still full of himself. This tells me he still has some real life lessons to learn the hard way. Do not look to see this guy positive or logical about anything for a long time.