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ISDF Assault Tanks Lacking Range?

Started by Sonic, November 10, 2004, 05:57:52 PM

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I've been playing a few Instant Action maps in 1.3 while I had nothing to do at work.  I've noticed when I'm fighting Scion, the ISDF Assault Tank doesn't fire at a Gun Spire until it is within range of said spire.  Thus the Assault Tank's Supeior fire range has been nullified against Scions.

Has Anyone else noticed this?
"Linux is user friendly...
...it's just very selective about who its friends are."


yeah ive noticed this too, i havent actually looked at the files but it seems they shortened the engage range (easily fixed) not a problem unless youre playing multi, but i dont know if theyll put it back or not

wow i just looked at it, the atank's engagerange = 175 where the spire starts looking at him at 230 meters away. the spires bolt reaches 210 meters so the assault tank goes well within range before it starts shooting
comparing it with the 1.2 files it looks like the atank stayed the same they just extended the spire a bit. either way it doesnt look promising for the ai tanks anymore

i guess they wanted you to get creative and use different tactics, either you hop in the tank, or send in a scav to distract it, or back ur tanks up with service trucks, or go in a warrior in assault with mag and hit the lung in one shot :-P the latter being my favorite.

hope it helps --mike

Red Devil

Hadn't noticed that before, Sonic.  Will you supply the correction or would you like me to or?
What box???


even on 1.2 they were quite dumb to go in GS range

give them 300 range and tell me if they still go in the GS range, dumb ai

APCs r evil

This only happens because the AIP's tell the Assault Tanks to attack your Matriarch, not the Gun Spire, if they were ordered to attack the Gun Spire they would start firing from the AI range of their weapon, for assault Plasma that would be 260m. The Assault Tank ONLY attacks the Gun Spire because the Gun Spire attacked it.

P.S. The engage range only takes effect when a unit is idle, it is not the point from which the unit starts firing if ordered to attack, it is the range that an enemy unit has to enter for the certain vehicle to automatically attack the enemy unit, the weapon's AI range tells how far away a unit should be before it starts firing.

Red Devil

I think what Sonic means is his own AI tanks.  He was playing as ISDF vs Scion AI and told them to attack a Scion Gunspire.
What box???

APCs r evil

Then they should have entered the AI range and began firing, I thought HE was playing the Scions.


You guys might want to check the 1.3pb revision history log first, as to why engage ranges were changed... if there's any data.


Yes, I was ISDF and I was ordering my ISDF Assault Tanks to attack the spires.  They constantly got to close and where nailed before they could really do any damage.

The onlything in the change log I see about Assault Tank Engage Range is:
- Assault tank uses engage range instead of normal blast
distance; should stop tank from getting too close. [Ken]

I'm just voicing my opinion that the Assault Tank should be able to out range any stationary defence in the game.  That's the whole point of it isn't it?
"Linux is user friendly...
...it's just very selective about who its friends are."

APCs r evil

What weapon did it have? AT Stab, SP Stab and Pulse Stab have shorter ranges than Gun Spires. Also, was there any terrain between the Gun Spire's HP COM and the Assault Tank's Cannon? Assault Tanks work just fine for me, they use the maximum range on all weapons.


No Terrain, they were using plasma.  They had clear shots to the Spires.
"Linux is user friendly...
...it's just very selective about who its friends are."


engage range is defence? ok that makes sense, seeing as how you can change the weapons

well it looks like the plasma shot's lifespan and speed stayed the same  but the spire's engage range increased by 10 meters but at thats still 50 meters more range on the assault tank. i know though that he takes a few meters away when he brakes though, maybe all this time he was only 10 meters out of range in 1.2?

i have to agree with apcs though, scions have archer, isdf gets atank ya kno?

APCs r evil

Okay, I'm at a loss here, umm.. have you modified the Assault Tank ODF's in any way? I just tested an Assault Tank on IA Dunes, and well,  my Assault Tank worked just fine, I tell them to attack, they get within their weapon's AI range and start firing. Are you certain you told them to attack the spire and not the Lung or something behind it?


I'm using stock assets, nothing has been modded.

I noted that it happens sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't.  Not exactly sure what is triggering it.  It might be the Assault tank getting attacked by a warrior than going off chasing something in the base.
"Linux is user friendly...
...it's just very selective about who its friends are."


ai is just stupid sometimes.  sometimes turrets go to 153m and start shooting, allowing them to easily kill another turret.  other times they go to 120, or 140.  In greenheart's mpis ass tanks start shooting at 250m, 10m closer than they need to be.  Sometimes 1.3 ai rocks, other times its horrible.  just too many little variables.