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Vindaloo....soooo close!

Started by lufty, December 18, 2004, 03:07:55 AM

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And turn on Rogue and Radom Attacks.


all on, insane etc' etc' - only thing I changed was unit limit to 40

10+ chain turrets in their base at around 40 mins (at the base pool, just waiting for an order from me to kill the rec, oh, and only used bomber once on 2 gts I didnt feel like mdming

next time It'll be 30  :D

APCs r evil

Quote from: APCs r evilthe AI had a scrap cheat of 3, and all the other advantages I could give them.

Did we miss that? I had EVERY anti-me option turned on, except random fauna because that just makes extra lag. And yes, I was attacked by Furies, twice, the Furies almost took my Rec down three times though, go figure. :s

Now then, I just beat it again, ISDF vs. ISDF, took me 52 minutes and 22 seconds. I was in a Missile Scout most of the game, Heat and Force Field at the end. I had eight Mortar Bikes help me finish the base off. The only reason it took me so long is because I was not as aggressive as I could have been. :-(


That's usually the key in MPI, how aggressive the humans are.  That's why it's a different game than Strat, where early aggression can be countered and overturned by a good opponent.  

IOW rushing and pool starvation usually works against the AI, where good Strat players will crush you if you try it.  MPI is more of an ebb and flow kindof thing for players that don't want to hurry to the ending.  I love a good G66 that takes 2hours, even though we could probably have Sabres and mortor in minutes and go mortor their Recy to death from the boonies.  

Natty's leaving fewer and fewer 'roundabout ways to the enemy, though... and putting in more and more emplacement defenses.  Sooner or later he'll get us all...   :)



once again, does anyone else find it funny that this topic was made by someone who couldnt beat this map in 2 hours, while some can beat it (lock ai down at least) in half an hour? :o


hehe dont be mean spawn, anyways, I realy dont understand whats the problem to keep the rec up, get gt + rckt tower at 1  of the sides (the one they coming with rckt tanks from time to time) with 2 trucks
get 1 gt at base pool with 1 truck
get 1 gt infront of rec - no truck needed cause it doesnt get hit
and get another gt at the back with 2 trucks, while you go on and need to service rec all you gotta is hop in the relay and tell the back trucks to heal the rec, thats it - your base is well proteceted, no need to worry about any attack


Thats what I thought, too, until my rec got attacked by 6 walkers. The hell knows where they came from. This wasnt even on insane.


I think you waited 2 long then :s


I know it was less than 1 hour into the game. Anyway - its fun that you always have to count with surprises. Also these attacks are very well timed. First you get distracted by large wave at a pool, and just when you think its time to catch breath another large wave assaults your rec.

Maybe the AI goes easier on you when you play as lone commander.


Quote from: GJC
Maybe the AI goes easier on you when you play as lone commander.

I'm not sure how much of a difference it makes, but I believe that Natty does have something in there that increases the difficulty as more players enter the game.


by one hour into the game boobs here has won it :lol: