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Vindaloo....soooo close!

Started by lufty, December 18, 2004, 03:07:55 AM

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Thanks for suggesting G66 for 1.3!

Lt. Panquitos and the 328th Squad have had alot of fun playing the G66 maps...and just ALMOST beat Vindaloo...until they sent in the Intesceptors to kill our recyler in the backdoor.....they should have a LUBE upgrade!

Anyhow, whats the difference from setting the G66 or Default BZ2 setting on page 3 of the Options? As well as the "Tech Path"? What do those settings actually do?


it changes the vehiclist slightly.
as for tech path, it changes the ai plan, like what the ai sends at you and stuff like that.
as for interceptors/furies, get a few rocket tanks with ONLY hornet (no missle at all) around your recyc and a few chain rats and everything will be ripped to shreads.  hopefully :D


or get  2 gts infront of their base in like 10 mins and u won


I don't think so PF ;)

The map in question is from G66 and not everything comes from the base area.


for some reason i dont really doubt the whole pf beating any mpi in ten minutes...
he could win before the ai could react and rebuild.
and in g66 2.0, if you lost your recyc the game isnt over.  Your factory can now make scavs and a limited builder, so you still stand a fair chance.

EDIT:  something to think about.  the strat players never have any challange in mpi really, but mpi players cant beat mpi, its funny really.


I don't consider a game over just by locking down the AI's team to his own base ;)

That's only half the fun for me. I also find it more rewarding if I've given the AI team every chance to win. I purposely drag single player (me only) MPI games out to 2-3 hours just to have more fun with it. I also give the AI lvl3 scrap and units while giving myself lvl1 units with no scrap cheat and I only take 2 pools at the begining.


ok ok u cant do it in 10 mins, but you only need about 20 (just cause the con is so slow) and then u preaty much win, the AI wont be able to do hoot and you can get 3 pools easily and get urself a nice bomber = GG

QuoteThe map in question is from G66 and not everything comes from the base area.

huh? portals? or just edited? either way, all you gotta do is get some gts in its way, or make tons of mini turrets


Quote from: PhoeniX-FlamEyou can get 3 pools easily and get urself a nice bomber = GG

On most G66 maps you cant get 3 pools easily, only teamwork can. Also bomber doesnt help a lot since these maps are paved with rocket towers, most of them you have to take out first.

Quotehuh? portals? or just edited? either way, all you gotta do is get some gts in its way, or make tons of mini turrets

DLL spawns stuff on certain locations all over the map. So you need tons of defenses in your base or the commander cant leave it for long.

Yesterday I tried DunesII on "hard", me Scion vs ISDF AI, had 2 team mates most time. I blocked all 3 exits of the enemy base with up to 5 spires plus turrets, also lots of healers. I had 5 pools, mostly upgraded ones. AI kept sending large groups of walkers, tanks, mortar bikes, avengers, rocket tanks. It took a brutal all-forces-at-once effort to deadly cripple the AI base. I went in with 10 maulers, one team mate with 2 titans and tons of healers, the other thug attacked with a gorgon. My maulers took out all towers but they melted away in no time. AI had still extreme firepower inside their base from all sides. I then jumped in a 12th mauler that I had built in the meantime and finally killed the AI rec before they could heal it. Yes, they heal their buildings.

I once played a 1.3 G66 map without thugs and all I could do was defend, attacking though was out of question.


Quote from: PhoeniX-FlamEok ok u cant do it in 10 mins, but you only need about 20 (just cause the con is so slow) and then u preaty much win, the AI wont be able to do hoot and you can get 3 pools easily and get urself a nice bomber = GG

QuoteThe map in question is from G66 and not everything comes from the base area.

huh? portals? or just edited? either way, all you gotta do is get some gts in its way, or make tons of mini turrets

PF alot of the new G66v2 maps in 1.3 have the ai come from off map areas behind your base and other locations.  Yes you could just amass defences in those areas but you have to take into account the fact that there are places with defencive ai emplacements.  Also in G66v2 if you attack the ai base it goes into siege mode making special units attack the human base that have long range weaponry, speed and what-not.


QuoteOn most G66 maps you cant get 3 pools easily, only teamwork can. Also bomber doesnt help a lot since these maps are paved with rocket towers, most of them you have to take out first.
you dont need 3, you need exactly 1 - and it doesnt even have to be upgraded, the AI on g66 just mass you with units, get 2/3 turrets to start with = tons of loose from scouts / tanks / pumas / scavs
then you just mass gts wherever AI comes from and walla - 3 pools easily yours

lol @ rocket towers, send the bomber at the rocket towers that in your way and the rocket tower is dead, sure the bomber might not make it, or make it back only red (though in 1.3 im sure it'll be like half cause its faster)

QuoteYesterday I tried DunesII on "hard", me Scion vs ISDF AI, had 2 team mates most time. I blocked all 3 exits of the enemy base with up to 5 spires plus turrets, also lots of healers. I had 5 pools, mostly upgraded ones. AI kept sending large groups of walkers, tanks, mortar bikes, avengers, rocket tanks. It took a brutal all-forces-at-once effort to deadly cripple the AI base. I went in with 10 maulers, one team mate with 2 titans and tons of healers, the other thug attacked with a gorgon. My maulers took out all towers but they melted away in no time. AI had still extreme firepower inside their base from all sides. I then jumped in a 12th mauler that I had built in the meantime and finally killed the AI rec before they could heal it. Yes, they heal their buildings.
scions is harder

QuotePF alot of the new G66v2 maps in 1.3 have the ai come from off map areas behind your base and other locations. Yes you could just amass defences in those areas but you have to take into account the fact that there are places with defencive ai emplacements. Also in G66v2 if you attack the ai base it goes into siege mode making special units attack the human base that have long range weaponry, speed and what-not.
wow, nice ideas added
as for "amass defences" 3-4 gts and 1 truck isnt that "amass defense"

Quotebut you have to take into account the fact that there are places with defencive ai emplacements.
like?... I mean seriously, defensive units by the AI is never a big issue
QuoteAlso in G66v2 if you attack the ai base it goes into siege mode making special units attack the human base that have long range weaponry, speed and what-not.[/
err who said I'll be there attacking? all you need is a bomber and a gt walk
besides, a regular isdf scout with heat missiles can take down the whole ai base alone(or most of it) [just need 1 truck for ammo]
and running around the map in a scout is not much of a problem, though I doubt I'll have to do that


Quote from: PhoeniX-FlamEok ok u cant do it in 10 mins, but you only need about 20 (just cause the con is so slow) and then u preaty much win, the AI wont be able to do hoot and you can get 3 pools easily and get urself a nice bomber = GG

Do it, and post screenies...  I wanna see G66v2 beat in under 20 minutes...


It also depends on what G66 skill level you've switched on in the lobby (and the other multitude of switches, heh).  G66 2.0 is still in beta, so some people are still seeing some weird bugs (see G66 public beta forums).

Last night I tried to play Vindaloo on Insane level, alone.  I recall being wiped out by Rave assault units the last time I played that map on Insane, so this time I amassed GT's on the front lines.  To my surprise, they sneaked 4-5 mortar bikes (this was isdf v isdf) on my base's right flank where I had very minimal defenses (hillside hiding were to the bike's advantage anyway).  They killed my Rec, teehee.  Yeah, as I was away from base too.  I was going to play/test further with the special Factory Recy-units, but I didn't feel like testing another hour or so.


PF, you do realize Natty has a totally different set of GT's, RT's, etc. from stock?  His ISDF GT doesn't do as much damage, the Service Trucks/Healers don't heal as fast, and the AI puts defenses back up almost as fast as you can take them down.  Three GT's are nothing against Hellion Walkers or AssTanks with whatever that big white ball is they shoot from two miles away that takes down a GT with one shot.

And let's not even mention the @!%$# MAS cannon that turns your own GT's against you.

The Bomber in G66 is almost useless as there's always a customized Rocket Tower in the back of the base that takes it down long before it gets near the Recy.  It's not much more than an outer pool clearer until you start assaulting the AI base.  Scions are much worse, whatever those white wormy things are the Rocket Spire shoots they're just nuts on damage...

Getting anywhere near the AI base unleashes his 'siege plan', which for ISDF means a trio of Hellion Walkers surrounded by Sabres comes down from the hills and eats your assualt force before heading for your base.


Strat players usually go for the jugular when playing MPI because they don't expect any real resistance from the AI.  I have beaten earlier G66 maps fairly quickly by starting with a large force and immediately taking all the pools.  This pretty much crippled the AI.  

Natty's fixed this...  he's totally evil you know.  The AI probably doesn't even need pools now.  The heavy defenses are already in place when you start the map and the AI Constructor throws them back up as fast as they come down.

He's basically turned the AI into a camper with a prebuilt base.  OTOH he doesn't just blast you from the get-go with Hellion Walkers or Zap Maulers, he goes nice and slow making for a good fight.  

So, it's not Strat and Strat techniques won't work any more than MPI techniques would work in Strat.  I seriously doubt anyone could wipe out most of the G66 maps in 20 minutes, but there are some maps that aren't as crazy as others.

Remember, the whole point of G66 is that it isn't fair.  To me it's more for people who want long, drawn out games with legions of units and huge battles not possible with a host of humans in the game.  When Ice and I play there's virtually no lag even after two hours.  (well, depending on Natty's current build.  He sometimes has issues that make lag skyrocket).


hmm, I'll give it a try as soon as I can get some free time then, I thought its basicly like G66 1.5 just with abit more stuff to it, sounds intresting

Quotebut you only need about 20 (just cause the con is so slow) and then u preaty much win
on regular 1.3 MPI on the hardest map people suggested I got few gts infront of the AI base making it useless, got my bomber up at around 22-25 mins


Yeah, G66v2 makes any other MPI map look like Ghandi. Can't really come close to comparing them. You might actually like G66 PF.