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VERY Slow and Jerky BZII

Started by Nick53, July 17, 2008, 09:42:00 PM

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Ive got full FE, ZE, outback, rainforest, Dune Command and running standard BZII on my HP Comp:

256MB Nvidea Graphics

Is very slow and jerky. No spyware, viruses, disks defraged, current drivers, tried everything. Funny thing is that it was much better that this and only got worse very slowly or I only noticed it now. Any help/advice would be very greatly appreciated.

PS Any ideas except reinstall, It'l take me AGES to find the ZE and Full FE installs :) .

General BlackDragon

*****General BlackDragon*****


No, I've got that under a seperate install. You can't get FE and ZE with pbIII?


ZE mod is available for PB3 here: www.zemod.com/forum... may have to filter through a bit.

FE is now also available for PB3 thanks to Red Devil... its not entierly finished yet i believe, and hes now concentrating on making it work with PB4. its all there =]

join me in a game of ZE sometime... NOONE seems to have it...

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

General BlackDragon

ZE Mod for PB4 is there.

FE for PB4 is coming

PB3 is old and has broken mp :P

*****General BlackDragon*****


OK, Ive reinstalled BZII, no patches, just out of the box. Graphics are on highest setting and screen 1280 x 1024 60hz. The framerate is still quite appaling (for a game from 1990 and frozen stiff) surely ive got enuf hardware 256Graphics 2GBRAM. Will pbIII fix this?

Where can I find a FE full install????


Your hardware might be too NEW.

It could also be your drivers.

Click on the image...


What drivers are ideal? (I think I've got the very latest one for Geforce 7 series)

General BlackDragon

maybe roll back the drivers a bit?

I know some new geforce drivers present some wonky graphics issues.

Try PB4, it has some framerate and support for slightly newer hardware (multi core processors, vista, etc)

*****General BlackDragon*****


turn EBMP bumpmapping off if things get bad... that had a devastating effect on my machine...

which was a real blow because they looked STUNNING with the DXT textures and bump maps for the whole 2 minutes that they worked...

you got ZE yet my friend?

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


The ZE website's down at the mo  :-(

Done a reinstall, got 1.3pb4 and waiting on ZE as per above, still cant find full ZE install.

I've reduced the screen size, it runs really well but.... well, the screen's small :-D.


Also do remember, the game is old enough that drawing things is done on CPU, not video card (well the costly transforms and lighting anyway), so a good video card can actually only hinder, not help things.  Faster cpu's are better (multi-cores are worthless for BZ2).

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 :-( I've got Dual-Core. I meant to say I can't find a full FE install does anyone know where I can find it?


Quote from: Nick53 on July 19, 2008, 03:08:34 PM
:-( I've got Dual-Core.
He meant the advantage of having two cores is basically null (except now the PB4 can set core affinities for worker processes like Gamespy and such), not that multi-cores dont work at all.

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


Faster videocards do have a slight benefit, though mainly at larger screen resolutions. Most fancy new videocards have a ton of features BZ2 doesn't use, because BZ2 speaks Direct3D 6. Any feature added after D3D 6 is ignored by BZ2. What BZ2 can and does take advantage of is faster fill rates. Basically, modern videocards have got more and faster local memory. Fast(er) access to memory is useful when texturing polygons, clearing the screen, etc.

-- GSH