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Polygon collision boxes

Started by Russian Roulette, July 29, 2008, 12:13:04 PM

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No debug.collisions did not show the invisible wall.

The problematic building was either fbkiln.odf or fbforg.odf. I can't remember which.


i would have thought spheres would taken more calculation for collisions? so many more points in a sphere than a box surely, although i guess its not done like that.

is it just a check to see if the vehicle is within a certain radius in all directions from an object? or does it calculate every point on the sphere... i think i answered my own question :D

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Jamsh, its just a radius and a center point. Rather, 3 radii.

Click on the image...


Correct, the sphere calculation does require much fewer computer calculations then calculating whether 8 points are within 2 points (assuming the box is always level and never rotated, if it can rotate then you need another calculation per point to get them back to the same relative space).

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yeh that makes sense... but do box collisions really have that bigger an effect on performance in game?

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Yes they do, buildings that are likely to get built in large numbers like GT's and pwrgens should have low poly collision boxes, its not so important with singular buildings but still desirable.