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Started by General BlackDragon, August 23, 2008, 01:49:17 PM

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General BlackDragon


Well, I'm going to get around to making BZC's AIP's I guess...

Don't really know where to start...

Provide names, Should I use gineric provide names for the AIP to grab? Like tank, ltnk, rckt, hraz, figh, etc... not including any race letters, so it would be gineric? Or does it need to have av/sv/bv/rv infront?

Also im not sure how to setup some things, so I'll be posting more questions for the masses...

*****General BlackDragon*****


As long as you create those generic odfs without the letters AND you post those appropriate provideNames in the odf, you should be fine going that route.

General BlackDragon

Where do i put the checkprovides = true to make it work across aip? or do i need to put it in each routine?

*****General BlackDragon*****

General BlackDragon

planType = "CollectPool"
planPriority = 900
scavClass = "svrecy"

This doesnt seem to work when playing the map in the editor?


*****General BlackDragon*****


Why do you want a scion recy to scavenge?

pb4a has some inbuilt generic provide names
defender (gts all sorts)
defendunit (tanks/scouts etc)
assault (assault tanks/walkers etc)
recy (All recy's)
base (buildings)
extract (deployed scavs)

Turrets seem to have missed out on getting a generic provide name in pb4a. I gave mine defender.

It would probably make your life allot easier to use these generic names rather that make your own. They work well.

In each AIP.
DLLCanSwitch = False
scrapCount = 40
consClass = "dvcons"
scavClass = "dvscav"
baseDir = 0
checkProvides = True


svrecy is a BZC soviet recycler, really a hover scavenger that deploys on a geyser (scrap pool class).
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


Need to see the odf really.

General BlackDragon

the stock odf currently has no provide names.

The scav wont even deploy on the pool???

*****General BlackDragon*****


QuoteThis doesnt seem to work when playing the map in the editor?
I don't think any AIP commands will work in the editor, I don't think it runs the AIP's in the editor.

General BlackDragon

yes it does, if the editor version of the dll is there.

*****General BlackDragon*****


run it in the proper game with the aip debugger, might tell you whats up...

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

General BlackDragon

aip debugger just loops between the first few plans.

bnormal game dll doesnt work atm.

*****General BlackDragon*****


Quoteyes it does, if the editor version of the dll is there.
? ? ?

Red Devil

You have to run an IA map for the AIP's to run.

What does the AIP log say?
What box???

General BlackDragon

oh right, aip log...forgot i could turn that on...

It just shows the plans...

Init - section(Plan1) planType(CollectPool) priority(900) << Failed plan.
Init - section(Plan2) planType(BuildMinimums) priority(950)
Init - section(Plan3) planType(CollectPool) priority(900)
Init - section(Plan4) planType(CollectPool) priority(850)

*****General BlackDragon*****