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Other strategy games

Started by SkyNET, November 12, 2008, 04:41:24 PM

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Anyone here play Total Annihilation? How about Dark Reign or Warzone 2100?

I've been playing through some old(and some obscure) RTS games lately. TA is definitely my favorite of them. The mod community is huge and it's still played by a decent number of people online.

Also, I believe TA is where the Intimidator mortar tower got its name. The TA version is much more... intimidating though. :P


Never heard of them.....

My RTS games include the entire CNC series (minus RA3, which I intend to get very soon), the AOE series, AOM, BZ (obviously), The DOW series (though only Dark Crusades work), Wesnoth, and Axies and Allies.


Heard of TA, never played it, but I have played its spiritual sequel; Supreme Commander.

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


A lot of these are available at GOG.com.  I'm surprised they don't have Bz 1 and 2 though.


CnC3 and red alert 3, and My favorite Supreme commander forged alliance. Try gettin that game, really puts your computer to the test XD.
I liek chz



I bought FA in advance. Still haven't played it on a computer that i own :P

Same thing happened with Homeworld 2. I got it when it came out, and haven't played it once due to losing my old comp and being stuck with this one. I don't have the money for a new comp, and I'd rather not lose the ability to play my older games.

Zero Angel

Company of Heroes (its a WW2 based RTS -- pretty much needs a dual-core and a decent (modern) video card). Looking at RA3 since I havent played any of the Red Alert games but have heard good things about them.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


Sacrifice. It's resource is magic mana and the more enemies you defeat, the more mana mining stations you take over. You can choose from seven different gods to follow and can create all sorts of creatures to do your bidding.  There are a lot of youtube videos of this being played. I have C&C Generals and Zero Hour but have never loaded Zero hour and Generals wasn't my cup of tea.
There is no knowledge that is not power.

Zero Angel

Oooh, sacrifice. That's a rather old school game. I think I got it in a 3-pack with my first copy of BZ2 (as well as Heretic II). It looked interesting, but I couldnt get into it.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


I never could get into Sacrifice either. It came with my video-card's software bundle. Nice bubbly-looking characters. I did go through the training, but I just mainly watched the demos, heh.  Brad Garrett as a voiceover was a nice touch though.


Heh, Sacrifice is fun.  I always had a nice cloaking army, so you would see just me coming over the hill, then suddenly you would start to see your things start dieing, they are weak, but when you cannot see them, sucks to be you. :P

And yea, TA rules, as does its open-source spiritual successor TASpring (now just called Spring, but googling TASpring finds it instantly still).  I was not quite that big on Supreme Commander, nice play style, but it just does not 'feel' right, whereas TASpring is definitely a more modern TA.   Hmm... Spring sounds good, I think I will go play it right quick...

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I played Red Alert (1) once, but I didn't like it. Yet I like BZ1, I have no problems with it's satellite view. wonder why.


BZ1 satellite view..... wow, haven't seen that forever.
I have BZ: Rise of the Black Dogs on the N64, but I'm not all too far on it.  I'm at the level where you use the armory and two tanks to infiltrate the soviet base.  I used to play BZ1 all the time on the computer when I was like 5, it was my favorite game ever.  I still remember the sandbox game, making this big base just to go fight things that didn't fight back.  I even had red odysse.  But then we got Windows 2000 and my parents didn't think it'd work, so they sold it in a garage sale. :(  Anyways, if I recal correctly, the satellite view had the sight vision, right?  The radar was the huge spinning thing too...
I must say, the arcade game on XBL bores the crap outta me though...
Anywho, while RA3 doesn't look too awsome, the Hell March trailer is awsome.  You can see it here.

Zero Angel

Interesting trailer. Something's kind of bothered me about the RA trailers, the live action scenes. I'm not sure if its the acting that seems stilted or the camera angles, or just the coloring on the post production, but something seems off
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


It's all of it ZA. EA though that C&C was 'cheesy' and went with that. I didn't think anything about C&C or RA was cheesy, but EA employees will throw a whole pile of bad examples at you.