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Who is God?

Started by hybirdisdf, March 14, 2009, 12:03:10 PM

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The title of this thread is a stupid question, that nobody can produce a sensible answer to.
It like watching a football match between 2 teams of blind amputees. Nobody has even found the ball or kicked it but both sides are insisting loudly that they have won...


If your a christian your views on God should comply completely with the Bible so if you want to know about God read the bible. It's always good to start in Matthew.
C l a v i n 1 2

Red Spot

Quote from: Clavin12 on May 08, 2009, 08:01:24 AM
And Jamsh God will come down at the end of time and make everyone believe, but thats at the end of time so...

That exactly demonstrates why I in general dont like religion ....
(and I've been raised religious, so I know enough about it ..)
*Something intelligent, yet funny*


No let me rephrase that. Everyone will believe because they'll see it with their own eyes and it will be obvious.
C l a v i n 1 2


How do you feel about everybody being immortal even non-chrisitans?
C l a v i n 1 2

Red Spot

How about "I think" or "I feel" or "According to my religion" ? ....
*Something intelligent, yet funny*


I don't have a religion. Christianity is not a religion. It is a faith, or a belief.
C l a v i n 1 2


Calvin, your not talking to these people (no offense to these people) right.

Different people come to know truth different ways. We both have the same view, but has different ways of which they come to that truth. Your not doing this the right way.

AND STOP DOUBLE POSTING! Edit button please.

And who decreased my Karma?
I liek chz



I would applaud you if I could
C l a v i n 1 2

General BlackDragon

Quote from: Clavin12 on May 07, 2009, 08:02:46 PM
Well logically how could every tiny intricate strand of DNA, and the perffect positioning of the earth from the sun, and the perfect formula for the air we breath have happened by accident. And what about creativity? If humans happened by accident why aren't we running around naked and eating what we kill? Why do we create if we are just another species? How did we come about higher than the other animals? It could not have been an accident. And wouldn't you rather believe in a God? Isn't it an awful thought that you were an accident, and the whole world was an accident that would all come to nothing? What will happen after humans are gone? If you're an atheist nothing. We simply go out of existence. But if you're a Chrisitan you live eternally in paradise. How does that sound? Good doesn't it.

okay, first off, the conditions for life here are NOT "perfect for us"

They were already here. We need them to live because we evolved on this planet, and thus we are adapted to the particular conditions on this planet.

On another planet with a different atmosphere and temperature and etc, life can exist, and would probably be very adapted to that specific enviroment.

My theory is that a more advanced alien species came to earth, messed with monkey(primate) DNA, possibly adding in some of their own, or just advancing it by millions of years and making a first few of them on the planet (adam & eve). Probably a science experiment?

Sure, the thought of a lovely god and eternal paradise is nice, but so is the thought of rosemary gardens and perfect neighborhoods and no poverty and...Well, Life just isnt that easy. Heaven is a dream. It's a nice thought, but nothing else. Wake up to the real world. All your silly envisionments and everything you've been told means nothing in the long run. Why? Simple: No One Knows. No ONE. Why? It's impossible to know. Once you're dead and gone, you dont come back. There is no way to proove if there is or is not an afterlife, so think what you want of it and leave others be.

Don't argue, you can share your views but it stays at that.

My views and thoughts on if there is an afterlife, it could be that there is an energy tied to every living thing, and when you die, that energy is set free, to go whereever. Probably in another dimension or something, impossible to imagine because you wouldn't have a body or anything, you wouldn't see any "gates" of heaven, that is something i find so stupid about all the religions, they take alot of referances from manmade things. All religions are manmade, like santa clause. But if there really is an afterlife, it's probably nothing like anything in any book or movie or tale. So I don't think we even have the right to dictate what is out there. We don't know.


PS: More food for the brains of the masses: What if you already died and this IS the afterlife? What if the afterlife is just another life, with drama and bs and dying and going on to the life after that, etc?

*****General BlackDragon*****


The planet is relatively perfect.

Because humans have more brain power, we are ruining the earth.

The earth is perfect, we are ruining it.
I liek chz


Red Devil

I If you would like to know who God is, just read the Bible and ask Him.
What box???


Quote from: General BlackDragon on May 08, 2009, 09:15:11 AM

Sure, the thought of a lovely god and eternal paradise is nice, but so is the thought of rosemary gardens and perfect neighborhoods and no poverty and...Well, Life just isnt that easy. Heaven is a dream. It's a nice thought, but nothing else. Wake up to the real world. All your silly envisionments and everything you've been told means nothing in the long run. Why? Simple: No One Knows. No ONE. Why? It's impossible to know. Once you're dead and gone, you dont come back. There is no way to proove if there is or is not an afterlife, so think what you want of it and leave others be.

You say that's the way things are. Well then how did it get that way? Why is the way things are the way things are? The christians answer is because God made them that way and God is forever. The atheists answer is just because it happened.
C l a v i n 1 2


or die and find out :P

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Suicide is not well acceptable.
I liek chz
