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Who is God?

Started by hybirdisdf, March 14, 2009, 12:03:10 PM

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The guy is right - 100%.
Others would merely say it was good humour.

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QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

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Persecution is not necessarily a good thing, its something you should endure with joy if its for God but not a good thing.

Just watching the 1st part of it, but he does sound somewhat respectful atleast.

Will comment when done
I liek chz


General BlackDragon

Point is, like george carlin says, more people have been killed "in the name of god" then for any other reason, humanity would be far better off just adding his 11th commandment, "Keep thy religion to thy self"


*****General BlackDragon*****


Quote from: Nielk1 on May 07, 2009, 06:56:02 PM
I can counter EVERYTHING in that movie and even still be Christian. All I need is logic. Not the, hey, I think I am smart logic the narrator uses, REAL logic.

Well logically how could every tiny intricate strand of DNA, and the perffect positioning of the earth from the sun, and the perfect formula for the air we breath have happened by accident. And what about creativity? If humans happened by accident why aren't we running around naked and eating what we kill? Why do we create if we are just another species? How did we come about higher than the other animals? It could not have been an accident. And wouldn't you rather believe in a God? Isn't it an awful thought that you were an accident, and the whole world was an accident that would all come to nothing? What will happen after humans are gone? If you're an atheist nothing. We simply go out of existence. But if you're a Chrisitan you live eternally in paradise. How does that sound? Good doesn't it.
C l a v i n 1 2


God, I agreed with you, YES, i was saying that movie was bub kiss, and you still rant. Just shut up. Someone come lock this. I;m finding sonic (or RD). We don't need a thread so Calvin can try to force his beliefs on others.

Click on the image...


I was talking to BBB and I'm not trying to force it on him. The last section of my last post was trying to coax him.
C l a v i n 1 2


K all done

Lets see... the ten reasons shall we? No, i have not graduated college, but i sure has hell think like an adult than more than the kids at my church.

#1 Why won't God heal amputees?

As he said, you may think this but it might be true. Lots of proud people, become humble, and thats what God wants. and even if they dont believe in a god, they become better people. He has a plan for that.

But as an "intelligent person" lets look at it this way. God has a plan, if that plan does not involve being an amputee, then it wont happen, if it does, then it will.

#2 Why are there so many starving people in the world?

This is the hardest one. But first, we could help them, God gave other people power and opportunities to help them, they did not. Also who said all of them believed in a god anyway? Finally, i say lots of people over there should not exist. Dont have children (unless you cant help it for various reasons) if you cant afford them.

This is my favorite one

#3 Why does God demand the death of so many innocent people?

Im gonna go a little christian on you but...

Before Jesus died, sin led to death unless you had a sacrifice.

After Jesus died all our sins were paid for.
All of his examples are in the old testament, before Jesus died and saved us.

#4 Why does the bible contain so much anti scientific nonsense?

This one is so simple, HIS FREAKING GOD!

He can make people out of sand.

God can make a flood

God can preserve someone inside a fish.

God could have made the earth in that long, but made the progression of the earth slower.

#5 Why is God such a huge proponent of slavery in the Bible?

That was a long time ago obviously, i think although it says slavery, i think they may have been more like servants.
And do you not obey your Parents even if they are harsh and punish you?

#6 Why do bad things happen to good people?

Does this sound stupid (that is what im going to type?)? Yes. But deal with it.

If you are saved, you have no more reason to live. You have eternity waiting, whether your 9, 29 or 90. God lets meaner people live longer, to give them a chance.

Also, why should it matter? You have eternity anyway.

#7 Why didn't any of Jesus' miracles in the Bible leave behind any evidence?

He healed sick people, spread some bread and stuff. DO they want a crater or something from that? They are not gonna leave behind evidence. Unless they are talking documentation.  Even then, it could have gotten destroyed.

#8  How do we explain the fact that Jesus has never appeared to you?

Jesus does not have to appear to you, a "Revelation" in the christian mind is like, lets say for a loooooooong time you have not understood something. Then, all of a sudden BOOM it makes sense. Thats how God/Jesus talks to

#9 Why would Jesus want you to eat his body and drink his blood?

Its mostly symbolic. Not actual.

#10 Why do Christians get divorced at the same rate as non-Christians

The bible does say, you can divorce someone if they cheat on you. I know thats the reason for most divorces.
Or maybe those divorces have some meaning later on to make you stronger.

I know none of you are gonna suddenly change you minds. But yes, they can be explained.

And yes, he is a smart jackass, but either way. those are fairly good points. Not executed well.
I liek chz



That amputee video reminds me of a vending machine. Put money in and the goodies come out.

That's not how Christianity works. The videos seem logical, but are, in a way, wrong.

#10 - Why do Christian couples get divorced at the same rate as non-Christian couples?
76% of Americans consider themselves Christian. Less than half of those people go to church regularity.
Statistically, married couples who go to church are MUCH less likely to get a divorce. PRACTICING Christians get divorced LESS than non-Christian couples.

Calvin your karma went down because you necro-posted and went right to attacking people. Please don't do that. According to the Bible, you're not suppose to look for persecution. It will find you.


I didn't look for it. I started to defend my beliefs and they persecuted me. Cheespuffly: people are carbon based after all and when their bodies die they turn into soil. An applaud for you in the next 24 hours.
C l a v i n 1 2


Wouldn't you rather believe in an almighty God than in an accident and a coincedence?
C l a v i n 1 2


Yes but heres the thing, they dont believe that happened.

They are not gonna believe in something that does not agree with their thought process.
I liek chz



okay i watched like half the video... and respectful as the guy might seem, hes not right. everything in that video is opinion still, just enforced in a kind of 'this is a fact' way.

Hes basing his entire video on what someone might do in a situation. My views on Christianity are a little skewif and not quite as they maybe should be, but no matter what science tries to say im never going to be convinced that the universe just 'started'. any human who tried to explain it with a big bang or with the beginning of time is talking out of his arse. NO ONE has any proof of anything that far back. period.

Personally, i dont believe God has a 'plan' for everyone, i think hoot happens because it just does. The idea of faith is pretty much believing in something with little or no reason too. Thats why hoot is still happening, God isnt gunna come down and show everyone hes real, everyone would turn into a believed then (if they were sane).

Thats not what its about, so theres no point looking for an obvious excuse for his existence because there isn't one. Theres a lot in the bible i dont agree with or believe, and ive never read it back-to-front.

Theres suffering in the world because lifes a bitch. simple as that. if God has a plan for us, we'd never have true free will would we? Which as i understand it is something we are meant to have. A lot of whats in the bible might not be true, but the IDEA behind the whole thing in my opinion COULD be.

Curiously, does anyone who does not believe in God believe that aliens exist? Yes in most educated peoples minds i would have thought but there will be exceptions. No proof is there? Its all based on what you know or have learnt.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

Red Spot

Quote from: Clavin12 on May 07, 2009, 08:02:46 PM
Well logically how could every tiny intricate strand of DNA, and the perffect positioning of the earth from the sun, and the perfect formula for the air we breath have happened by accident. And what about creativity? If humans happened by accident why aren't we running around naked and eating what we kill? Why do we create if we are just another species? How did we come about higher than the other animals? It could not have been an accident. And wouldn't you rather believe in a God? Isn't it an awful thought that you were an accident, and the whole world was an accident that would all come to nothing? What will happen after humans are gone? If you're an atheist nothing. We simply go out of existence. But if you're a Chrisitan you live eternally in paradise. How does that sound? Good doesn't it.

Interesting if it wasnt that the chuch/pope has already acknowledged that the physical appearance is made by evolution, the spiritual appearance (our so called soul) has been created by God. (Or at least the pope was willing to 'accept evolution'(as if he had a choice...) if sientists didnt touch 'the soul')
*Something intelligent, yet funny*


First of all red spot I'm not catholic. And Jamsh God will come down at the end of time and make everyone believe, but thats at the end of time so...
C l a v i n 1 2


I dunno about the last bit. and time ending? not too sure about that either... My views about God and whats right/wrong and what religion i really am are all over the place. Ive never really sat down and thought about it. Ill wait till im old and have time to do such a thing and work out whats up with me :P

Its KIND of like the 'if a tree falls in a forest but no one is around to hear it does it make a sound?' except the answer to that question is no. actually maybe thats not related... lol

Anyway back to work. i shall return later

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.