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Messages - Nielk1

What i ment by pivot is I fear I may have to turn [a, b, c, d] into [b+43, d-21, a+54, c+90].

Math AND reordering.

The horror!
I found something interesting trying to get my 3DS Max to export animations for the XSIs (my version just makes blank animation frames). The .x format I export is very similar to the xsi (as we already know). The animations were easy to convert to the XSI, but then, when I tried to play it, all the pivots were off and in strange directions. It was a complicated animation so I got very confused.

Anyone think they can look into making some sort of converter for just the animation portion of the .x to .xsi? It seems the points might not be in teh right order, might be inverted, or worse, might be based on a difernt pivot angle, so If anyone can figure this out, say so.

Wow, this thread has deviated from the topic hasn't it.
Any chance we can just make BZ2's 1.3 use a higher version of the XSI format aswell?

I would go in the private beta thing and sugest this, but I don't like being laughed at. There would also be the whole licensing issue.
Na, Lizard has one of em.
I looked on ebay and everywhere else, even tge taboo illegal sites.

I can't find Softimage 3d v3.9.1 or lower (within reason, so mabye v3.8 or 3.7)
Public 1.3 Beta 3 Archive / Re: 1-hit Kill Mode...
November 27, 2007, 11:50:27 PM
PB3 doesn't do that for me, so I can't exactly say it would be fixed for you in the next version...
Public 1.3 Beta 3 Archive / Re: idea for pb4...
November 04, 2007, 12:27:52 AM
Oddly, if you set the game to 3 players, then in game change it to 2, the F9 slot is still unsuable.
Also, if you have 2 players set and in game set it to 3, the F9 slot will be built into by a factory and then both the player and AI F9 slightly overlap and it is a real pain slelecting either one since sometimes both select and sometimes only one does.

Follwoing that idea, if you make a game with 1 player allowed, start it, then change it to wahtever you want, and have the Team slots mapped to other keys, you can do just as you said since you will ahve the F8,9,10 slots fiullable by AI units and the equiv slots for Humans would be mapped otherwise.

Actuly, this should realy be looked into! I see no reason why the cause for this odd glitch can't be adapted to always be as I just said, just migrating the player slots to other keys (and changing the overhead txt to match that other text. You CAN bind them to other keys (at least last time I checked).
Public 1.3 Beta 3 Archive / Re: idea for pb4...
November 01, 2007, 01:00:20 PM
Hate to tell you but adding F slots under F slots would take a massive bit of recoding.
Also, with the unit limit in multiplayer already defaulted to 30, that many crafts would be catestrophic to the engine.

Don't worry about the limit of "there can only be this type of unit here", that was taken care of, so you CAN have 99 units + a bomber now (I think)...
Public 1.3 Beta 3 Archive / Re: Fe on 1.3 beta 3?
October 21, 2007, 02:09:45 AM
Sigh, one of RD's Bug Zapper Scouts...

I know what happens with a portal to an off map area...
You go flying back south, toawrd the upper edge of the map, hit a well, and slide to the west, and then against the west side to the south untill you come to a stop in the south west corner, still unable to escape.

You cry, realize no weapon can reach you and you cant even eject, and the you close the game.
I know they can be added to guided missles, but they still hurt when they hit you,

I gues you want some sort of TeamDamageFilter?
A magnetic field is the only real way to go.
You can team filter (Own side, enemy, ally, all,) the effects in 1.3, just not sure which version.
Maps and Modding / Re: 3D studio max r3...
October 06, 2007, 12:11:08 PM
It's not easy to find old software.  As always, try ebay or google.

I have a later version of max (not mutch) and the exporter doesnt work right, it killz animations!
If you get r3, I'm ganna start sending you things I want in .xsi format but animated!
Public 1.3 Beta 3 Archive / Re: Blurry Images
October 04, 2007, 09:32:02 AM
I decided to pop open pb3 and try the mip bia and their still blurry.

Just know it's fine in the private betas so pb4, or final, whatever is next, works great graphicly.
Public 1.3 Beta 3 Archive / Re: Minelayer class
October 03, 2007, 11:38:20 AM
You give a minelayer those settings and make sure it has a special hard point with a mine attached.

When you tell it to lay mines it will stary laying them in a spiral pattern.

There are other commands to set the size of the spiral, the number of mines, among other things.

I noticed something off when I made a mine later that would drop 4 mines at once via 4 special HPs. When I told it to lay mines, it did so 1 at a time, but a pilot could only drop 4 at a time the way they are linked.

Keep that in mind, mine layers are hover units that spiral and fire their first HP (not linked HP set, but first HP of the whole list).
Public 1.3 Beta 3 Archive / Re: Blurry Images
October 03, 2007, 11:28:13 AM
Seeing as this topic got dug back up, the texture size thing works butifly (at least in the private).  I haven't touched any other version of BZ2 since I got in the beta, aside from beta testing CR for LF.

I tried what GSH said, but forgot if it worked, and it doesnt matter now that the Texture Size option works perfectly.
I think GSH said the texture size packs are outdated now that the mi[p mapping stuff is done via those options. I also notice that his various fixed to the use of those textures in the egine (some c++ insanity) it works great!.