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Messages - Nielk1

Oh, that takes care of that problem, and I know I can put a unit in a ship, but for the life of me I cant get it to go back in once it hops out!
I know about he hole eject from your self and die/crash.

Can eject and hop-out be turned off for a craft?

I know you can have a craft in a craft, but you can't get back in once you get out!
Public 1.3 Beta 3 Archive / Can a ship pilot a ship?
March 26, 2007, 12:58:11 PM
I know I have become a bit of a nuisance with my random suggestions and annoyances here.
I got a good one this time, I swear!!!!

I think that that code allowing pilots to pilot craft is under that class's code (I can't be sure), is it possable to add this code to other unit types so that it is active when the correct tag is present, ie: "pilotCraft = 1 //default 0"

The reason I ask is, I see a lot of mods that are using airplane, space, and under water maps and think that in some of these, pilots are not appropriate.  I would like to add an escape craft to a spaceplane, which I can do by editing a BZN, but also have this escape craft able to enter another empty unit and take control of it, as a pilot would.

Playing Fleshtorm, I notice that the Mecha 'pilots' are hover vehicles and thus cannot sneak into your base and steel your craft.  I also notice that Lizard had to make a special pilot for the swarm for multiplayer.  I like that special swarm pilot BTW, but I think that it would be neat if the swarm units you ask to "pick me up" would have the standard scuttle inside and that scuttle be able to use the ship I just exited.  OK, FS isn't the best example because it is fine as it is and I personally think the pilot is the best of all I have seen in Battlezone, but you get my point and reasoning.
I leave my computer on at night, and that's happened...

I've also aparently done my homework in my sleep, or maby the Elves have homework friends?

It might even be possable to add an extra parameter to a hover craft odf where if it is 0 or it is not set at all the key is ignored.  Or mabey I'm getting way ahead of myself.
I haven't seen the code, but I would assume that linking weapons would require isolating the weapon management code, setting it as the default, and allowing it to be overridden by an alternate setup is noted by a boolean in an ODF.  While this would be great, it is probably so difficult, it would be harder than when I tried to add birds to the Marine Biology Case Study Program for AP Computer Science. :roll:

Is it possable to already bind a control for 50% throttle or would it require manipulation the the code as stated in my first post?
Oh, I want to mess with this source code, but I would probably break it.

If I ever do get ahold of the BZ2 source code, I think I would end up compleatly replacing it, just from what I've heard about its condition.  I sounds like a fun project, and I wonder what I would have to do to get this code.  If I get a job at Pandemic, do I get to see the code or is it restricted to those who worked on it?

Wow, I went off topic, on topic, off topic again! :|
I know it's a bit taboo to make sugestions. :roll:

Can an extra key binding of 50% throttle be added.
I know that bz2 has varring throttle levels through an analog control (joystick).
I was hoping the q key (or mabey any other or a default of unset) could move the throttle at some percentage that is reasonable.

This is in no way required, but it seems it could be easy and I think it would make a nice little additon to Av's BZC.

I guess I am addressing this to GSH.  I hope you take it into consideration. :-D
Cmd playsound

Wish I had checked for this before!

What exactly does this do?
Cmd repeataudio

And can these be accesed in game, or is it shell only?
Cmd backgroundSound
Cmd stopSound

What is under [audio]?

And finaly, what area of volume will the file being played reference?
or is it something else?

If it uses a volume other than music, would it be possable to add a "Cmd playmusic" that references the music volume and if the music is turned on before playing?  I suggest this because it seems like an easier way to make a music player that follows the game's audio settings.  Then again, I don't have access to the source code, so I don't know.
It was an AWACS.

I can't seem to keep myself on one mod idea, I jump all over.  That was the last one before the wiki :roll:

I sometimes can't spell either: :cry:
Can the ogg code be made to run ogg files listed in the mission files where CD track number would normaly be listed.  If this could be done, any mod or even map could have its own special music.

I hope GSH at least looks at this, despite how unlikely changes are at this time.

Then again, for all I know this has already been implemented :roll:.

I doubt it thout as it is such a minor level thing that *could* be a headach :|
Quote from: Red Devil on November 29, 2006, 02:59:50 PM
But does not the Mauler come with the wind like so many locust?

I thought my idea was easy! lol, cheeze your idea would kill poor old GSH.  Is it old?  Ya know what, nevermind...

How do shields effect dammage?  I never know exactly.
Quote from: GSH on November 20, 2006, 12:59:09 PM
I can't hand out source code, even though adding in a few more values read is pretty easy. My problem is that it is NOT ELEGANT to require a modder to touch every weapon ODF to add a new armor class. It's a system prone to breakage when you have multiple people working in things independently. End of story.

-- GSH

The idea of the whole system I suggested was to prevent the need for the value to be set in every odf.  Thankyou however for your time, as I can see you definitly did look at what I was saying and check how efficent it was.

Thankyou again for your time, no need to reply to me here again  :-D
Ya know what, if you want to GSH, gimme the code for just that select portion of the gmae and i'll take a looky, but I know this still means only you can test it :P  I'd made a few versions  :-D  As for the use of shields as armors, that will definitly be usefull for my little idea of rubber armor for the staticly charged planet of doom!  With the use of shields as armor it looks like mods can jerrig this system for small portions of the game.

Oh, I though of another use!  The antient weapon that was used in stargate to destroy ALL the replicators might work great in the stargate mod with the help of this, lol.

I'm still pushing! :roll:
I think I see what you are getting at, but I'm still a bit confused.
You made it sound like mod1 and mod2 were trying to do multiplayer, but that's a conflict of assets.  Mabey I dont understand.
By lines merging that is what it sounds like you mean.
I am sorry if I am angering you...

The reason I though of this was for a seperation between biological and mechanicle and maby the ability to make things insulated from electric attacks.

The purpose of making all the damage equal to that of a None armor unless otherwise set was to make it so weapons would not require changes.

If a wep that does N=100, L=75, H=50, and X=1000 shoots something with Y armor, it does 100 dammage, but if it hits something with X armor it does 1000 dammage.

Mabey I am restateing something you already understand, but I do not understand what you ment by line merging as two players with different assets cannot play each other and if both modders worked on the same mod then all the weps would have both the A and B.

PS: A is used by absorb, but I do not understand if the shield letters are independent from the armor.  If they are then this is way to hard to figure out.

Again I am sorry if I am angering you by my insistent attempts to change your mind and inability to understand something that may make the 'no' definit.
Quote from: Nielk1 on November 19, 2006, 04:24:12 PM
V = N;
if(<however you check for V in the odf>)
     V = <read from odf>;

Does that mean that this wont work.  I was hoping that if it wasnt specified in the odf it could be set to a default value, and that default value be that of N, so if a wep does 200 to something with N armor, and it shoots something with A armor, it does 200 dammage, unless the wep specificy says do 300 to A.

Is this thinking flawed?