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Messages - Nick53

Maps and Modding / Re: Texturing Models
February 27, 2009, 08:02:05 PM
Cool, many thanks! A tut would be great!
Battlezone 2 / Re: Keyboard Help!!
February 26, 2009, 04:47:57 PM
Followed the link thanks. It was the IR Remote thingy, now unplugged and the keys work!!!  :-D :-D
Maps and Modding / Re: Texturing Models
February 25, 2009, 07:21:19 PM
Have been reading these posts on texturing units. I'm using Blender 2.46 to make units and have OM's BZ2.XSI exporter which works well, I can get coloured units but no textures. I REALLY want to be able to texture my units, What I'm stuck on is this whole idea of "UV wrapping"? (Is this right?). I don't have any "paint" tools but would like to get a good free download, any ideas? If someone could point me in the right direction about texturing and UV wrapping I would be very greatful!!
Battlezone 2 / Re: Keyboard Help!!
February 25, 2009, 06:55:18 PM
Its Sandard Battlezone with all patches except 1.3. No FE, I've got that and 1.3 under seperate installs (I'll check them out for smae problem). Its on my HP desktop bout 2 years old, 1GB ram 256MB Graphics 2.16MHZ Pentium DualCore WinXP (SP1), been playing BZII for that long (2yrs) and it has just happened, overnight.

edit: Nah 1.3pb4 has same problem. As a note, = key and ` key don't work when entering player's name into duty roster. ` won't select navs or seperate units either. Did I hera someon say reinstall? I'll try it as a last ditch but prefer not to as don't really have time to find all the mods again!!
Battlezone 2 / Keyboard Help!!
February 25, 2009, 05:00:34 PM
Hi Guys, just wondering why on earth CTRL+` does not bring up the Console any more? The ` key works fine while typing as you can see  :-) also my + key won't zoom in in the F3 view or in the editor? This has just suddenly happened, all other keys seem fine and I haven't recently changed files/configs etc. Help would be much appreciated as this is very annoying!!  :?
 :-( (no hurry)
Yes, I've got units and hps all sorted just trying to work out the textures...
Quote from: TheJamsh on July 25, 2008, 06:07:44 AM
read the blender turotial on wikipedia about the hat and the simple person. it tells you how to parent objects fairly easily.

ok, I'll try and work that out?...

does this line in .odf file have anything to do with it?

weaponMask = 00011
Ive stopped the gun falling off by making part of the chassis but the hp still "falls out"... re the parent thing, this means?...
Well.... I thought I've sorted hardpoints... my first trial was a simple hover unit, one piece and a small triangle in it for the hardpoint, worked fine. Now I've made a unit similar to a Sabre, with a Gun mounted in the middle rear. Except when I load the game the gun... falls off... and lands on the ground, which is where the At-stab comes from when I fire (ie the ground where the unit was placed)... hmmm maybe it's because the gun is hollow? Does it have to be solid? I'll try that out. Any ideas anyone?
I've sorted hardpoints :-D by trial and error, now just to sort the textures.... It would be great if you could sort that texture 'tutorial' OM.
Apparently, to add harpoints is done similarily on all 3D modeling programs. Could someone explain how this is done?
Thx OM, I dont think there was even a real problem as I can load the (white) model successfully. I'll look for these hard point tutorials, cant seem to find any, tried searching "hardpoint" and "hard point" I've only got general details, I think it has to be a separate object, but can it be made on the same screen as the tank or does it have to be a seperate blender file (called hp_cannon_01 and hp_cannon_02 etc..?) It seems although there is no required shape, a triangle is common (how to determine the direction it fires?)

Oh well, I'll keep looking....
EDIT: Ive fixed all problems and can now import a unit without textures/colours or weapons :-D :-D :-D. Could someone please explain how this is done?