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Give the noobs a ride...

Started by Arcane, July 01, 2004, 07:33:44 AM

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Maybe if you and another teamate finish a dogfight away from your base somewhere and your teamate looses his unit but you still have yours, maybe you could be able to "give your teamate a lift" and be able to carry him on your unit. Instead of killing your teamate when you drive over him it would pick him up instead. He could be given a backwards view or something else. He would just press abandon in order to get off. I understand that this would be virtually impossible to implement and cause much more trouble than its worth, and if I could do it myself I would, but you cannot tell me that wouldnt be cool... :cool:


Quote from: Arcanethat wouldnt be cool...

*lol*  :D

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Actually...In FE there is a dll scripted mission where tanks have to 'pick up' survivors. Only one space in each tank next to the cockpit ey!.

I think what one could do is have a button which when pressed and touching another vechile, such as as a tank, would make the pilot disapear and then be in the 'cockpit' point of view, with no control.


lol @ aegeis, its a double neg ya?

"but you cannot tell me that wouldnt be cool... "

so it makes perfect sence, and if u want to see some sort of hitching a ride. See Halo the pc game, with the Heavy Tank(scorpian) 4 soldiers could take up position on the track pods. jeeps held 1 driver, 1 side passenger that could shoot out with his gun and throw nades, plus a rear gunner that used a mounted minigun or 3 barrel rocket launcher.

There was also a medium Tank in halo that got cut going from mac to xbox, thus it also didnt make it from xbox to pc. that and a hand held minigun and guided rockets that didnt make it from mac to Xbox, and thus not to pc either. fagz@ microsoft! gg bling.


Yes now that you mentioned it I do remember that mission with the tanks. Could you take that same script and slip it into the regular units also?


If you were to implement that script with real players that really wouldn't work. In that mission for FE, when a tank came into contact with a pilot, the pilot would vanish from the world and the tank would be translated into a different unit (hence the different name). The actual player who would be hitching a ride is actually removed from the world - exactly the same as being dead :P

Tempest Storm

They don't nessesarily have to become a new unit, I belive DLL has the capability to rename units ingame. As far as transporting units back to base, I know DLL has the capability to make a pilot become "attached" to a unit like an APC (As in one of BSer's missions) so maybe its possible to use this ability to do this.


I think that would also be a great way to train newer players, so they could learn how to evade or travel faster, or just get a better view on what to do

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

If GSH or Ken programmed it properly, it would mean that the 'passenger' would never have to give any infomation *back* to the server. He/she would simply recive it....and be viewing it though the viewpoint of the controller pilot. You could even have a 'switch controls', so that the passenger would become the pilot, and the pilot the passenger.

Anyway, the passenger should just 'shift' into the vechile as if he or she was picked up via an empty one.


maybe have the pilot dragged behind in a net :lol:



Hemp, you could assign the switch to a hotkey and if the original pilot pressed the key it would automatically switch the contol over to the added pilot. But I think that the original pilot should be able to take back control. Would it make much difference if the original pilot would be able to kick the second pilot from the unit? Its not like hes hurting anything.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

Yes it would be good. What if you have picked up a newbie, and want to place him inside of an empty, and he doesnt know what the '' get out of secondary seat'' button is.

You press it for him :P


This may not be possible with the bz2 engine.  I know, because I was told, the bz2 code is a mess.  Attempting to do something like this could damage bz2 in a complex way, or in a simple way as in causing resyncs.  Only the programmers will know how much work would be required in doing something like this.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

just the act of being able to pick up pilots, AI and human, and then dropping them off, would be good enough. The 'picked up ' human could view from the cockpit, or f2 mode, or whatever is easiest.


This would be a cool feature, but it may not be possible without major modifications to the bz2 engine.  If major modifications are required, I don't see the feature getting implemented.  After the initial reaction to 1.3, any chance of new features are slim.  I can only see bug fixes getting implemented from now on, if anything.