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Help with mini-mod units?

Started by Nick53, July 17, 2008, 09:36:40 PM

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Hi guys, long time (8 months?) since I posted here but have been rather tied up with study!

I'm in the middle of making a mini-mod, and I've completed the first step of making custom weapons. These were tested by launching them from the Armo, and all work fine. Then I started customising units, just some simple stuff, changing weapons, armour, cost etc using .pak explorer:

baseName = "nvmisl"
geometryName = "ivmisl00.xsi"
cockpitName = "ivmisl_cockpit.xsi"
classLabel = "wingman"
animCount = 3
animName1 = "forward"
animFile1 = "ivmislsf.xsi"
animName2 = "neutral"
animFile2 = "ivmislsn.xsi"
animName3 = "reverse"
animFile3 = "ivmislsr.xsi"
scrapValue = 10
scrapCost = 50
customCost = 55
buildTime = 15.0
customTime = 15.0
maxHealth = 2000
maxAmmo = 2500
addAmmo = 1
unitName = "Msl Scout"
aiName = "RocketTankFriend"
aiName2 = "RocketTankEnemy"

heatSignature = 1.0
imageSignature = 2.5
radarSignature = 0.5

isAssault = 0

armorClass = L

requireCount = 1
requireName1 = "ibfact"
requireText1 = "Build Factory"

/////// weapons ///////////////////

weaponMask = 00011
weaponHard1 = "HP_ROCKET_1"
weaponName1 = "gffr_c"
weaponAssault1 = 0
weaponHard2 = "HP_ROCKET_2"
weaponName2 = "gffr_c"
weaponAssault2 = 0
weaponHard3 = "HP_SPECIAL_1"
weaponName3 = "gfmine"
weaponAssault3 = 0


lightHard1 = "hp_light_1"
lightName1 = "spotblue2"
lightHard2 = "hp_light_2"
lightName2 =  
rangeScan = 300.0f
periodScan = 5.0f
velocJam = 5.0f
engageRange = 130

braccelFactor = 0.05f;
strafeFactor = 0.1f;
steerFactor = 1.0f;
omegaFactor = 0.4f;
velFactor = 0.2f;

avoidSpeed = 20;
topSpeed = 30;

selectWaitMsg = "ivmisl04.wav"
selectAttackMsg = "ivmisl01.wav"
selectFollowMsg = "ivmisl03.wav"
selectGoMsg = "ivmisl02.wav"
selectOtherMsg = "ivmisl04.wav"

goMsg = "ivmisl05.wav"
attackMsg = "ivmisl06.wav"
followMeMsg = "ivmisl08.wav"
followMsg = "ivmisl03.wav"
repairMsg = "ivmisl09.wav"
reloadMsg = "ivmisl09.wav"
rescueMsg = "ivmisl10.wav"
recycleMsg = "ivmisl11.wav"
otherMsg = "ivmisl11.wav"
holdMsg = "ivmisl12.wav"
user1Msg = ""  
killedMsg = "ivmisl07.wav"
diedMsg = ""

velocForward = 36.5 // [35]
velocReverse = 12.0 // [10]
velocStrafe = 18.5 // [20.5]
accelThrust = 19.0 // acceleration [20.]
accelBrake = 75.0 // braking
accelDragStop = 6.0 // how fast it stops once hands are off controls [5.9]
accelJump = 15.0

setAltitude = 1.0 // how high off the ground

alphaTrack = 21.0 //springs speed it rights itself [5.]
alphaDamp = 8.0 //shocks [5.]

pitchPitch = 0.25 // nose up [.1]
pitchThrust = 0.1 // nose down [.14]

rollStrafe = 0.09 // rolls while strafing [2.]
omegaSpin = 3.0 // spinning in place speed [2.2]
omegaTurn = 3.0 // turning while moving speed [3.0]
alphaSteer = 5.5 // how fast it responds to steering [4.9]
rollSteer = 0.12 // rolls while steering [2.0]

soundThrust = "itank01h.wav"
soundTurbo = "avrckte1.wav"

geometryName = "ivmislL1.xsi" ;geometry for lod1
distance = 50

geometryName = "ivmislL2.xsi" ;geometry for lod2
distance = 100                ;...distance over this many meters => switch to lod2


Then I made a custom factory:


geometryName = "ibfact00.xsi"
classLabel = "factory"
scrapCost = 55
scrapValue = 10
maxHealth = 6000
maxAmmo = 0
unitName = "Factory"
aiName = "BuildingProcess"
aiName2 = "BuildingProcess"
heatSignature = 2.0
imageSignature = 1.0
radarSignature = 1.0
isAssault = 1

armorClass = H

requireCount = 1
requireName1 = "ibpgen"
requireText1 = "Build Power"

provideCount = 1
provideName1 = "ibfact"

collisionRadius = 4.0

lightHard1 = "hp_light_1"
lightName1 = "o_white_nf"

detectRange = 100

tunnelCount = 1

tunnel01X0 = 3
tunnel01Z0 = 3
tunnel01DX = 2
tunnel01DZ = 4
tunnel01Edge = "wwtw"

soundAmbient = "ibfact00.wav"

soundBuild = "ibrecy02.wav"
soundFinish = "iapc04.wav"
reloadMsg = "ivrecy12.wav"
rescueMsg = "ivrecy13.wav"

buildItem1 = "ivmbike"
buildItem2 = "nvmisl"
buildItem3 = "nvtank"
buildItem4 = "nvrckt"
buildItem5 = "nvatank"
buildItem6 = "nvwalk"
buildItem7 = "ivapc"
buildItem8 = "ivbomb"

geometryName = "ibfactL1.xsi" ;geometry for lod1
distance = 80
dontShiftLOD = 1

And built my custom units. They're under my control but I cant get into them or snipe them, what's wrong?

Help greatly Appreciated!!!!!!!!

General BlackDragon

cant get into it? try adding "canInteract = 1" to odf.

cant snipe it? try adding "canSnipe = 1" to odf.


with default wingman class, u can do both. not sure what type of unit ur using. Bomber? Tug? Cons? Service Truck?

*****General BlackDragon*****


Those lines dont' work (for me). (as can be seen in the .odf file in my first post) It's a standard Msl Scout altered to cost 50S and have my new weapon FoldingFinRocket (which works perfectly btw).


You ahve to put them int he right part of the ODF. Somewhere under [GameObjectClass]

Click on the image...


I put it between these:

cockpitName = "ivmisl_cockpit.xsi"
classLabel = "wingman"


I know the issue...

There is no pilot file.


There is some line to force the pilot to a specific ODF, use that and set it to ispilo.

Click on the image...


pilotConfig = "ispilo"

put that under [GameObjectClass].
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


pilotConfig = "ispilo"

YES!! It works! Thanks! You might see a new mini mod and a BZI remake in a few months!  :-D


(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


and its been going on for centuries... which IS a tad anoying lol

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


It is by far the biggest mod undertaking ever... far bigger than FE.
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


If i may taek the time to bac kup what Boogie has mentioned..... BattleZone Classic ISNT only BZ1 in BZ2, tahts only the first part of it..... Avatar plans to fill in ALL the blacks so that BZC IS the bridge between BZ1 And BZ2 (while containing BZ1 :P)


Don't forget that it's also the story of the origins of biometal.

Jeez, if Av doesn't finish this, a whole bunch of people are going to hunt him down...

I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.


true true... hes getting old too! (only joking Av :P, just make sure you train an apprentice =])...

from what ive heard from GBD over MSN its going to be such a huge project. the initial project however will take the most time, after theat i suppose they will be mostly using the same base

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


If I remember correctly, most of the assets for the total mod are finished.  Probably the hardest ones would be the Ancients campaign, since he had to create it from scratch.  But it's been a while since he's posted an update on the other races.

And GBD seems like Av's apprentice.

I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.