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Experiment Recycler Variant

Started by GreenHeart, March 01, 2004, 10:37:05 AM

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Seeing as this is experimental, how about the scouts have as much speed as possible without messing up the game/network performance?  And the other hover craft have proportionate increases too?

Red Devil

I can do sommersaults in a morphed Scout, so maybe it is okay now?

Been hearing complaints in-game about more warping, so maybe the velsmooth/maxsmooth settings will have to be adjusted too in their gameprefs.
What box???


THAT SCOUT IS AWESOME!!! I think that's the answer!

If that's the scout that will be in final 1.3, then I'm there! Love it! :)

(ps. I agree on some multiplayer testing to see warp, because I believe that scout is a tiny amount faster than the 1.2 one)


I'm glad you liked it.  Here are the lines I changed.  I added the original speed after the // for reference.  This was taken from the odf files you all received.

velocStrafe = 30.0 // changed from 20 [20]
accelThrust = 35.0 // changed from 25 acceleration [25.]
accelJump = 21.0 // changed from 18

I increased velocStrafe 10 units, I increased accelThrust 10 units, and I increased accelJump 3 units as requested by DeadScion.

Red Devil

LOL appel!  See?  No problems, just more opportunity to come up with a cool solution.

I think everybody who got upset owes Nathan an apology and Commando, GreenHeart, and DeadScion a big Thank You.

Now lets all go shoot at each other like proper gentlemen.
What box???


I have one question: Why does the experiment Variant only show up when I choose a strat map?

I like MPI stuff.


GH or Commando will have to edit the mpi recy list so you can see the variant there.


I only added the recycler to strat since the strat players were the most vocal about it.  To add it to mpi, copy and rename the copy of recylist.txt to RecyListMPI.txt.

Red Devil

[Deleted because I just saw Commando's post above.]
What box???

Dirty Rooster

Warp of scouts side-to-side is more extreme with these initial settings,
gameprefs at default, host set mwf 5.

I expect it to be better on lower mwf.


ADDED: Experimental Recycler to MPI Recycler List (See First Post in this Thread).

This was Request by some Testers wanting to use the Experimental Recycler in the mpi...
Many failures will take place in the process of attempting to achive your goal. It don't matter how many times you fail, Its how much you've learned each time since its apart of the learning process.


Hahaha! Hover is back!

You can hover scouts again! The reverse thrust isn't very strong so you have to use a bit of sideways thrust in it, essentially making the hover harder just a bit. But! Its still possible to constant hover, and gain altitude in the air. Exactly like 1.2. Those scouts are so agile and jumpy that they surpass 1.2 by tenfold.

I know 1.2 vets will love this. This is what I expect. 1.3 will come stock with *no hover* more-agile scouts. Basically a dumbed-down version of this. Next, modders will make 2 more recs:
- Full Hover Rec
- Half Hover Rec

They will be added to the list much like in this experiment. That way it makes a shell option for several levels of hover, to satisfy 1.2ers. A full hover would be like it is now, maybe a bit easier though. A half hover would allow hover to some extent. The normal recs will allow no hover. Now the server has the choice for hovering or not!

See how things turn out! There is no point to 1.2 anymore with this. It satisfies EVERYONE!

Note: There is a thread out there to post your opinions on this topic. I'd say to keep this thread for issues pertaining to the agility of the scout.


Yup.  Dunno if it is fully persistant hovering (maybe it is), but it is enough to take out a turret or two, maybe a power or two.  Saw this done in an ISDF scout and in a Mortar bike.  Possible to gain altitude in an MB.  I can't hover in a 1.3 patched scout, easier in a MB.  Someone was complaining that MBs were untouchable even with Blast (difficult to get the angle to point vertically up?).

So, the good news is, flying units are like 1.2.  The bad news is, flying units are like 1.2.   :s


I've been testing this scout very strictly in 1.3, vs. turrets, gt's, enemy scouts with chain, laser and enemy tanks with sp+laser and blast+chain combo. For about 1 and a half our.

Thanks to strange<fly>, Aegeis, Z and Bri I've reached a conclusion about some final tuning needed for the tanks and scouts so the balance in the game is preserved:

1. Scout speed needs to be tuned down by 10-15%
They are too fast, both in air, running away, on the ground and especially fighting tanks. If anything they will cause more havoc then the current 1.2 scouts.

2. Tanks need 10-15% more agility and speed
In my opinion 1 good tank pilot should be able to kill 2 good scout pilots. Currently the balance with the 1.3 tank and the new 1.3 scout is totally reversed. 1 good scout pilot can kill 2 good tank pilots, or at least 1 good tank pilot. The scout moves too quick for the sluggish tank to keep up.
This needs to be balanced better since already in 1.2 we have people cursing that 1 scout can kill a tank easily (sometimes).


I must admit, very good work, they are just as awful as that bug in 1.2 :D