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Experiment Recycler Variant

Started by GreenHeart, March 01, 2004, 10:37:05 AM

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Quote from: appelSo, 1 more year until final 1.3 is released and then another 6 months for the mods to be developed? Not being too unrealistic am I? So, in 2006 we can expect 1.3 to be as popular as 1.2?  :o

Provided GSH and Ken haven't said "screw them" and decided to take off and leave us with what we have now. I personally wouldn't hold it against them if they did. All that FREE hard work only to get spit in the face. PPL have to remember that this is only a beta and not final but there were more than a few that came in here with an attitude about how the vehicles handled forgetting that it is JUST A BETA and that things are NOT FINALIZED.

Zero Angel

QuoteI thing fixing the strafe thrusters while in air will cause more harm than good to be honest. Fixing it so it wouldn't cut out when your ship is level would be difficult to do. If the thrusters are cut out period, you'll be a sitting duck while in the air.
I agree! I like how in 1.2, you could arc over a target, then cut a hard left and suddenly be at his side.

It would be nice if the vehicles were heavier, but the jump thrusters still slowed descent to the point that it is now. Might add a bit to maneuverability to be able to better control your fall rate; but i'd imagine that would open up a whole new can 'o worms.

Good Post, BZZ. Concise.  8)
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


Quote from: appelSo, 1 more year until final 1.3 is released and then another 6 months for the mods to be developed? Not being too unrealistic am I? So, in 2006 we can expect 1.3 to be as popular as 1.2?  :o

So in 2006 we can expect to see 2 or 3 game of 1.3 in peak times!
There is only a maximum of 20 to 30 players playing bz2 everydays, they are also the same people working to fix the bugs and make a mod of 1.3 wich everyone would play.

But they are also the players, devs are saying to "Screw what you think we make the game as we want it!"

I'm glad we have devs working on a new patch on their own free time. But im also very disapointed to see they want to make the game as they see it and not as the players want it. If devs would have spent half the time they've put in the 1.3 patch and played with us some 1.2, im sure the patch would be out already and everyone would be happy.

Turrets would shoot straight up, hovering would be a hard skill to master and also infinite flying impossible, speed bug would be fix. All av and crash bugs would be fix, some tweak on ai done so we can use them against human. Some more server setting like those in 1.3 already ( mwf, starting units, etc) and none the less some balance issue between scions and isdf fixed.


Quote from: PhaserBut they are also the players, devs are saying to "Screw what you think we make the game as we want it!"
Turrets would shoot straight up, hovering would be a hard skill to master and also infinite flying impossible, speed bug would be fix. All av and crash bugs would be fix, some tweak on ai done so we can use them against human. Some more server setting like those in 1.3 already ( mwf, starting units, etc) and none the less some balance issue between scions and isdf fixed.

#1 if that where the case every weapon would be a rave cannon :o The only thing that the devs are unwaivering on is that infinit hovering is a bug. They dont care about unit speeds, game balance and such, in fact they have said what ever people can agree on in in terms of balance is good by them.

#2 For the last part the only thing that 1.3 does not have are turrets that can shoot straight up. But that is a simple odf tweak that can be tested with the new recy option. The balance between scions and isdf is another area that this public patch is supposed to address. So if you have any suggest for that please post them.


Lol rave canon everywhere, the starfleet dream i guess!
No im talking about the variable recyclers here wich if i believe the quote from gsh a fix will be made to stop modder to include that particular feature that is hovering. Im not an hoverer, i never hovered and never seen the utility of it. Altho i pefectly know that if i couldnt straffe turrets and gts i would have to hover to be effective with a scout.

Scouts are the primary vehicle and also the last ressort vehicles in this game. When you are stroke with 1 pool and the opponent is hanging in tanks, all you can afford are scouts and chains/pummels. Now if the game make it impossible to win with 3 scout only, thats taking out a whole chalenge to both teams.

So to keep it real the opinions of people playing 6hours+/days is needed and they are those im talking about. None of them want to see rave guns in this game and stuff like that. Their concern is about their addiction, their drug wich is battlezone 2.

Regarding balance issue between both races, well i could go ahead and speak my theories about how both races build bases, their diferences, strenght and weakness but i dont feel like it. The major issue between both races always been blink, there is nothing in strat to counter blink ships. They can blink into your base to finish you off and blink away before they get harmed by your defences, they can get away each time you about to kill them and they can assault without been hit before landing first munition into your building.

There is already a counter to blink in bz2 but not allowed in strat, it is force shield. That may bring a whole discussion about balance isdf vs isdf but i may tell you its not such an issue since its taking a lot of your ammo to use the shield. And taking out camera from special menu in armory wouldnt be a big deal, i mean who use it anyway?


It's easy enough to add a new armoury menu slot, u dont have to lose anything. Should test it out maybe.


i know its easy tho scion will have only 3 special while isdf 4, if i recall right every armory menu are even in slot for both race.