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1.3 Final: Wish list . . . add yours too

Started by Knight, March 20, 2004, 05:45:27 AM

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what about my random hopping giant bunny in the middle of the map with machinegun for 15 secs?


Why not? No sillier or less adult than the current situation. :?


I only have 2 requests for the final product.  both i believe within the creators powers

1: friendly fire options.

2: Server side sending of maps to players who dont have the map (like half life does it) that way we dont have to spend the next day or 2 searching the net for a version of the map to match

Saturns Sailor Hentai


Neither of those will happen, and both have been brought up many times since the early development of BZ2..

Friendly fire does detracdt from the game.  This is not Quake or Tribes.  Who want to expend all the extra processing to parse friend or foe when a bunch of units are hit by a mortar blast (just one example).

DL of maps won't work because one would needs a dedicated map server that never changes, plus BZ2 maps can get quite huge.


Ahh.. just realised I was waaay behind the times... sorry for the dud post  :oops:


Well, I'm certianly not opposed to either idea (especially if FF is a console switch), it's just that they are both unlikely to happen.


uhh how about a working ingame mouse  for the german version? I miss that :/ cant use my mouse ingame or even in the settings

Der Vampyr Engel

I would like to see tanks with decent flamethrowers added to them after all , I think that is missing with the tanks in both BZ1 and 2 and seeing as tanks got this capability in the 30's I think that would be a good weapon to have against buildings plus other tanks and , especially pilots.

I was thinking the flamethrower out of Unreal 2 The Awakening would be a nice one, not sure if Battlezone 2 could do it that good though,  8)

Also possible to have the deployable /pack up option back in with the Recycers again, please? that was a very convieniat option in BZ1 and I can't really understand why iot wasn't kept for BZ2


Didn't 1.3 already have that from the constructor?
I would like to see xprsxpl start from when the pilot dies, maybe have xprsxpl1 and xprsxpl2, one for the first explosion (pool of blood) and one for the second one (body falling apart). Something else I'd like to see is a bullet that passes through an object and stays intact, this added to the bullet file as an additional option (troughObject = 1). This way you could have a cloud go over an object and damage it (TS comes to mind). Even though this is one of the things I'd like to see the most I still think separable build effects is the thing that most ppl would like to see (except for bugfixes).


I'd like to see units be able to combine.  For example four scouts as limbs connecting to an assualt tank (the body) and a service truck (head).  Then sprinting into a scion base, uprooting a gun spire and using it as a club to batter enemy units all over the map.


You sound like you watched to much television. Better thing would be have a set of turets to choose from, then you could swap your turret for one of the enemy with a service truck or something, but that is not fitting in BZ2.

Der Vampyr Engel

What you mean the Constructer packs up the Recycler, can also unpack it? you sure about that Huscar?


I don't remember completely but I thought that if you give the recycler the possibility to upgrade in a recycler vehicle you can now simply do so in 1.3 without a crash, think Avatar posted something about it ( a reaction). Sure you'll have to change a little line in the dll (I think). i thought it was posted on this topic, but appearently not.