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1.3 Final: Wish list . . . add yours too

Started by Knight, March 20, 2004, 05:45:27 AM

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I never noticed that. Can you actually change the wireframe?
Yes, all this things are secondary to the bugs (I once had a really strange one in a tutorial map wich shouldn't happen, and didn't happen again) but having new build effects (I think) would really make the game much better (and I don't think it would take that much time, just guessing though after all 1.3 already has much greater additions).

G Man

The one thing that i would like to see changed is the role infintry have in the game. In any war infintry play a very big role, it would be nice if you could order squads of infintry from the Training facility. It would also be good if the infintry weapons had a slightly higher effect to those units which are lighter. Think of it, if you and a small squad of 5 infintry could wait in the hills untill a scav or tank shows up and then jump up and take them out.  :D It would also make APC's more of a threat. And why not be able to control an APC, you could in BZ1. It would be sweet, have an apc move in pick you up and then fly back to base with it. I would also like to say that the way infintry dies is just horrible. Couldn't someone make a new death sequence, or even(though highly doubtful) add a ragdoll effect. it's just i wish that the infintry was more of a threat as they are in any war. It would add that final level of realism which would make BZ2 something very special. Also is it possible that some times instead of blowing up a tank just stops working, so it becomes a wreck on the battlefield which could then be picked up by a tug for recycling? Just some things that were on my mind, thx for listening :-o

General Cooke

Though I highly doubt this will happen, by dream for BZ2 has always been WATER UNITS. Ah, think of it, water-based mortar ships, underwater bases, the oceanlife, the serenity...

*cough* Oh, caught up in the moment. I also like the infantry idea. So that would mean higher Health for pilots  :D .


Cooke - the Epic mod is probably going to feature aquatic units, and although they will almost definately only be features in the single player campaign, supposedly underwater bases are also in there.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

I would Love to have a Naval sea Battle. Mortars and Torpedos everywhere lol.


Quote from: G ManThe one thing that i would like to see changed is the role infintry have in the game. In any war infintry play a very big role, it would be nice if you could order squads of infintry from the Training facility. It would also be good if the infintry weapons had a slightly higher effect to those units which are lighter. Think of it, if you and a small squad of 5 infintry could wait in the hills untill a scav or tank shows up and then jump up and take them out.  :D It would also make APC's more of a threat. And why not be able to control an APC, you could in BZ1. It would be sweet, have an apc move in pick you up and then fly back to base with it. I would also like to say that the way infintry dies is just horrible. Couldn't someone make a new death sequence, or even(though highly doubtful) add a ragdoll effect. it's just i wish that the infintry was more of a threat as they are in any war. It would add that final level of realism which would make BZ2 something very special. Also is it possible that some times instead of blowing up a tank just stops working, so it becomes a wreck on the battlefield which could then be picked up by a tug for recycling? Just some things that were on my mind, thx for listening :-o

Except for the tank getting out of order it's all there, this is a mod proposal, but for a really cool mod, in DuneZone infantry is going to play an important role (it does already).
The tanks getting out of order is not so realistic as you might think: they are made from bio-metal, if I'm not mistaken bio-metal is spread accross the tank's body, when it gets a hit the lost bio-metal from another part of the tanks is spread and fills in the gap. When it is very spread out the systems start to malfunction (smoke and such), after a while then there won't be enough bio-metal to keep the tank intact it simply explodes, the destroyed hull are the bio-metal pieces on the ground, trying to get back together in their previous form, after a while they have been separated to long and don't try to get back together anymore (this happens gradually). At least this is my view.


QuoteI would Love to have a Naval sea Battle. Mortars and Torpedos everywhere lol.

I did a little test to see if i could make anything worthwhile in this field. I made a couple of models of ships and boats and did some heavy odf tweaking but i just couldnt get rid of that "hovercraft" feeling. Besides it wasnt much fun driving a big slow brick that bounces on water.


You tried aircraft class for player only? Torpedos should have big rotation grades and everything should respond slower, slower acceleration and such, you can get rid of the hover feeling making ships in calm water I think, or maybe having them classe as tracked vehicles and give the terrain a new texture.


hows aircraft class gonna help ships  :?  As i said i tried it, it didnt work well enough to consider going on with the project. Also if i could work i assume it would have been done before.


Hmmm... yeah, I got confused with subs. But it will still be nice see aircraft attacking your ships, I can't immagive how ships couldn't be fun, you gave them little acceleration right? Did you set the centre of them in the right position (beneath the surface), did you make sure they wern't boarding pieces of land? If all is yes you might wanna try having them moving on terrain (if only you could move it, would make beautifull waves).

Black Hunter

Something else in BZ1 I wished could have been in BZ2 was the movement system used for the engine flames, which if applied with the effects in BZ2, I think would look really cool. Could something be done to make activating engine flames for turning, reversing, strafing, and jumping possible? Wut I have in mind was a system enabled in the unit ODF, where individual flames could be triggered by movements specified in the vehicle ODF, as well as a scale to define the relative size.

Suppose a ship had 4 flames mounted facing downwards in pairs on articulated appendages like in BZ1, animated similarly, with the front ones (1 & 3) oriented a bit more forwards, and the rear ones (2 & 4) a little rearwards. I imagine the ODF entries might read something like this:

Visualization... :Þ

     /    \
    /  ()  \
    \  ||  /
     | || |
     | \/ |
    /      \
/-\/        \/-\
(1)|  /__\  |(3)
/  || /    \ ||  \
|  || |    | ||  |
\  || |    | ||  /
(2)| \    / |(4)
   \  \  /  /
    \  \/  /

ODF entries...

forwardFlames = 1.0
forwardFlame1 = "flame_2__h"
forwardFlame2 = "flame_4__h"

turnFlames = 0.3
lturnFlame1 = "flame_2__h"
lturnFlame2 = "flame_3__h"
rturnFlame1 = "flame_1__h"
rturnFlame2 = "flame_4__h"

strafeFlames = 0.5
lstrafeFlame1 = "flame_1__h"
lstrafeFlame2 = "flame_2__h"
rstrafeFlame1 = "flame_3__h"
rstrafeFlame2 = "flame_4__h"

reverseFlames = 0.7
reverseFlame1 = "flame_1__h"
reverseFlame2 = "flame_3__h"

jumpFlames = 2.0
jumpFlame1 = "flame_1__h"
jumpFlame2 = "flame_2__h"
jumpFlame3 = "flame_3__h"
jumpFlame4 = "flame_4__h"

The lines followed by number settings would both define whether or not flames for those movements were on, as well as the intensity scale relative to the size of the flames played for forward movement. Of course, if these settings are set to zero, or not present at all, the flames for the vehicle would work much like stock BZ2.

So, does anyone think the proposed system could be applied in 1.3?


'Tis a great  idea and I'd love to see it in BZ2 eventually but it would probably be classified as a 'Minor Tweak' but it all depends on when GSH returns (when not if all you nonbelievers out there :) )


I dont know if some of this has been said already, but here are some ideas.

1.)   The Ability for the host of a MP game to decide if the aliences in the game are Fixed or Dynaminc.

2.)   More Than 4 Weapon slots

3.)   Ability to Link and Unlink Wheapons, like in BZ1

4.)   BRING BACK THE 'THUMPER'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5.)   Make a new class of craft like space ship, (I think one of the patches added the sav class, but I could be rong)

6.)   To make it possable/eassier to desighn new classes with ease

PS: I don't mean to sound dumb or ignorant, but what is a power user?

Click on the image...

Bull Dog

Quote from: Black HunterSomething else in BZ1 I wished could have been in BZ2 was the movement system used for the engine flames, which if applied with the effects in BZ2, I think would look really cool. Could something be done to make activating engine flames for turning, reversing, strafing, and jumping possible? Wut I have in mind was a system enabled in the unit ODF, where individual flames could be triggered by movements specified in the vehicle ODF, as well as a scale to define the relative size.

Suppose a ship had 4 flames mounted facing downwards in pairs on articulated appendages like in BZ1, animated similarly, with the front ones (1 & 3) oriented a bit more forwards, and the rear ones (2 & 4) a little rearwards. I imagine the ODF entries might read something like this:

I've had an idea on how to do that before.  It wouldn't look quite as good but.  Have emit points that are controlled by unit animations.  That way you press reverse and boom one whould have an emit flame pointing reverse.

I'll post more on that idea later and try to get into specifics.


Thumper won't come back.  Causes too many network problems (it did inBZ1 too), and the the BZ2 engine doesn't support terrain deformation too well.