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1.3 Final: Wish list . . . add yours too

Started by Knight, March 20, 2004, 05:45:27 AM

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One thing that i was thinking about was if you could make an option to invert the entire screen while in game.  I just think that this would look really cool, Imean, just look at any of the screen shots from various mods...then look at them while they are inverted.  Its great!!  An easy way to do this is to go into start>>programs>>accessories>>accesibility>>magnifer
its great, just turn on invert colors!  It works the best with two moniters.  This is just an astetic thing, and not really important, but it doesnt seem like it would be that hard, would it?  Also, if you could include some simple application/readme that would tell people how to configure the in-game hud so the pieces could be moved/resized by anyone depending to their individual wishes, just a thought!


Something I've more or less given up on, having asked several times in the past, but it would still be useful...

Some sort of indication when VIR is on (the thing that makes your ship invisible) and Red Field too, though it's rarely used.  Something other than watching your ammo drain.  Maybe some sound effect?  Maybe the VIR special slot in the weapons list at the bottom right flashing?

Here's hoping...


Yeah! I'd like it 2 slice bread, wash dishes, the ironing.....Oh & perculate coffee...... Is a good coffee 2 much 2 ask 4?

& we all know what our fearless leader will probably say when he returns from his much deserved rest............



Tempest Storm

Quote from: aougliSomething I've more or less given up on, having asked several times in the past, but it would still be useful...

Some sort of indication when VIR is on (the thing that makes your ship invisible) and Red Field too, though it's rarely used.  Something other than watching your ammo drain.  Maybe some sound effect?  Maybe the VIR special slot in the weapons list at the bottom right flashing?

Here's hoping...

Those weapons support sounds for when they are on, but the game doesn't use actual sounds you will notice there. If you have any sounds that would work fine for them, then I am sure it would be added.


Someone made a soundpack back in 2000 and I think those sounds were updated so you knew they were on.  I don't have that soundpack installed and I'm not sure if I still have it or if one of the repos has it.  Basically, some of the sounds were stolen from SW and Descent 1, which was pretty sweet, since I played Descent (before I discovered BZII), even on the internet (using a special ipx/spx p2p and D1 exec),  But yeah, like TS, said you can substitute sounds for that.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

and a shot-gun sound was stolen from Half-life for pummel, much better IMO.

But yes, there is a sound for when VIR was on.


I think I tried the sound pack a long time ago; either it didn't have a sound effect playing continuously while VIR was on or it also changed some other sounds for the worse; I can't remember exactly, it was some years ago.  I also replaced a sound file with one that someone sent me, but all this did was change the sound when VIR was first engaged and switched off, not throughout the time that VIR was on.

Square: this is a game we play for fun, not just a software testing programme  :D though the distinction is often blurred...  I suspect you're probably right though.  There are people who enjoy tweaking this game and come up with good results; they might pick up some suggestions from this thread, even if most of the stuff isn't included in the main 1.3 patch.


to make a sound while vir is on couldnt you just make the on sound for really long (like rave)?  Sure, it woulsnt be forever, but it would probablly be long enough.  I think that would work, but not sure, but you could try something like force, just modify the odf on your pc so you would get that purple shade when you activate it.


Well, i don't have many problems with 1.3.  There are a few wishes i have though.  First of all, i think arc canon should get more ammo.  The decreased the number of arc shots dramatically in 1.3.  I am also a bit upset about the physics of the ISDF scout (thunderbolt).  I am pretty sure none of these things will be changed but hey, they are wishes  :-(   :)


Quote from: BLUE DEVILWell, i don't have many problems with 1.3.  There are a few wishes i have though.  First of all, i think arc canon should get more ammo.  The decreased the number of arc shots dramatically in 1.3.  I am also a bit upset about the physics of the ISDF scout (thunderbolt).  I am pretty sure none of these things will be changed but hey, they are wishes  :-(   :)
[/size]The physics are constantly being tweaked, so things ARE changing.

Quote from: Spawnto make a sound while vir is on couldnt you just make the on sound for really long (like rave)? Sure, it woulsnt be forever, but it would probablly be long enough. I think that would work, but not sure, but you could try something like force, just modify the odf on your pc so you would get that purple shade when you activate it.
[/size]The Forcefield audio would definitely be a good base for VIR/RF. Just revamp the harmonics to give it a sound of its own.


QuoteFirst of all, i think arc canon should get more ammo. The decreased the number of arc shots dramatically in 1.3.
Actually, it hasn't changed at all. 1.3 merely states the number of SALVOs you can fire, rather than the number of individual bullets. The arc cannon used to have more ammo displayed, but it also used to use up 6 of these 'shots' every time you presed the button.

In 1.3 the arc cannon still fires just as many shots as it did before, it's just that the ammo display gives an accurate picture of how many times you can press the fire button before running out of ammo.

My phantom vir doesn't make any sound at all, not on activation or depletion. However, in my 1.2 install I made my own sound effect for the phantom running, simply by decreasing the volume of the deactivation wav file, and increasing the duration.

Spawn - I ignored your post due to the terrible black text, I'm sure I'm not the only one. Sorry for the snobbery, I just thought I should let you know.


I just noticed how little you can change build effects, you can now have 26 races but 2 build effects (one only for scions), that doesn't seem realistic (sorry if I made a mistake).

Anyway, some new effects would be nice, it might also be terrific to have the build effect being linked by the unit that neads to use it (factory, constructor, recycler) so you could have a different build effect in each thing.


People have already been lobbying for that but it is not a large issue compared to other things that need to be taken care of.

Jwk the Hemp Monkey

It would be nice if the hadeans had a yellow beam instead of a blue one like the ISDF, and if they built it 'top to bottom' instead of 'bottom to top'. Little things like that really had polish to a game.


I think maybe the color thing is easy to implement. I mean when you build buildings, the wireframe is green. When you build units the wireframe is blue. So obviously just a simple color change is an easy enhancement to mods.