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1.3 Final: Wish list . . . add yours too

Started by Knight, March 20, 2004, 05:45:27 AM

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Could a bad facsimily of the thumper in single player be possable?
(I know i spelled that rong)

Also, can't the modles be changed to make different thrust areas

     /    \
    /  ()  \
    \  ||  /
     | || |
     | \/ |
    /      \
/-\/        \/-\
(1)|  /__\  |(3)
/  || /    \ ||  \
|  || |    | ||  |
\  || |    | ||  /
(2)| \    / |(4)
   \  \  /  /
    \  \/  /

For forward, the 2 and 4 falmes could remain named flames 2 and 4.  But the 1 and 3 flames could be named null 1 and 3, so the flame section of the odf reffering to 1 and 3 would have nothing to point to, thus not exist.  Or would this cause a crash, if it does, make it now crash in 1.3.

EDIT: make it not crash in 1.3.

Click on the image...


Quote from: Nielk11.)   The Ability for the host of a MP game to decide if the aliences in the game are Fixed or Dynaminc.
2.)   More Than 4 Weapon slots
3.)   Ability to Link and Unlink Wheapons, like in BZ1
4.)   BRING BACK THE 'THUMPER'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5.)   Make a new class of craft like space ship, (I think one of the patches added the sav class, but I could be rong)
6.)   To make it possable/eassier to desighn new classes with ease
PS: I don't mean to sound dumb or ignorant, but what is a power user?

1. I like this..
2. I like this too but think it's too ingrained into the code.
3. This was specifically shot down and is one of the 'BZ2ish' things about the game.  (Cycling is better anyway...)
4. What Mower said.  Sorry, I miss it too.
5. Classes are easy up to a point.  There's a "comm vehicle" class now that Ken added.  It's AI processes to back up the classes that's tough.  They have to work with the current AI processes as neither Ken or Nate want to mess with AI processes or AI pathing.  For instance, the "aircraftClass" was reintroduced by Ken but there are no decent AI processes to run them.
6. Ken mentioned that the current engine Pandemic is working on has class modules rather than having the classes hardcoded in the engine, but that adding something like that to BZ2 would mean some major work.

We have to think 'wrap up', 'final bug fixes', 'balance tweaks' now, not major code revisions.  Believe me, Ken and Nathan have added a TON of options as it is.

There are no dumb questions, and adding /poweruser to the end of your shortcut to BZ2 shows you more information in MP, and changes some options to what GSH likes.



OK, i wasn't sure what was hard coded and what wasn't.  And now that I think about it cycling is better.

Will 1.3 have more base planets and skys.  Maybe if it does, base maps like those in the data.pak could be made.

If more options ccan be given to the host of an mp game, all the better.

2 other ideas i had where:
    A Skin Selector for the units
    A color selector, unless there already is one[/list:u]

Click on the image...


Color selector?  For what?  For the units on your team in multiplayer? (blue and red)  That is controlled by dll and I have already done it for a mod, it is not controlled by the bz2 engine.  In that code I placed in you can choose what color each team should be in the shell, quite easy to do.


Excellent OM...  very cool.  

Hey, that means I don't have to be pink in MP anymore!   :D


Dirty Rooster

Get hold of all the ZST maps to actually see
team colours being used in multi
Orange vs Black is my favourite,
the white & pale blue one is great too.

Good stuff there.


I'd like to see a shell option for changing teams, which makes you appear as a pilot (with no sniper rifle unless respawn with sniper is on) for the other team, and makes your ship into an AI unit for your commander. This would help a *lot* with one of the most major, if not THE most major, balance issue on multiplayer - unfair teams.

Black Hunter

Just out of curiosity, is this thread for real, or just a collection of ideas that will never be used? Will the patch crew really consider the ideas posted here when they continue work on 1.3?



howabout an strat mode where the computer commands on both sides so the players just gotta take care of the doggyfighting.


Hey, that isn't a bad idea! Maybe with an option were you can decide how good the aip will be and what scrap cheat each side has. Good idea!


So the team colors are in the mission dll.

The fe 3way and variety maps automatticly open a window requesting information after the game starts, i think this is the dll.

A custom general DM/STRAT dll could be made and packaged with 1.3 (or sepretly).

This would allow for:
    The setting of team colors
    The choosing of a start position from the already designated positions.
    Maybe a texture choice system (units and buildings).
    A pause system.
    A side changer (tank becomes AI and piolet is teleported to side of choices start marker) [If turned on]
    A back-stabbing side changer (Keep tank and position on map) [If turned on]
    On/Off switch for the 2 above options
    and maybe some other options, like undeployable recycler ON/OFF[/list:u]

Click on the image...


I don't know whether you can pause a game through dll, frankly I don't think so. Rest looks possible.


Yes, most of that would be possible, some of them (like the undeployable recycler's) could be done with some finnigaling.  Perhaps if I get time some weekend I could make such a dll up.  It would really be helpful though (and greatly increase the chance of me actually doing it) if everyone would list their own options and collaborate with each other all the options they would like to see and email me a *detailed* list including detailed descriptions of what you want done and some examples pertaining to it.  Perhaps even put it up on my website so I could give back info about how hard something would be to do or how long it would take.  Most of the things you all talk about though could easily be done in a few hours.  I do have some other dll's I need to finish first for some other projects but things like that should not take too long.  So yea, if you all do want a customized dll with little options like changing team colors in the shell and such, then please, goto my forums and post them and all ideas.  Do not worry if ideas conflict, everything can easily be turned on and off with ivars, the shell, and the like...


If everyone is done with posting their ideas, I would be happy to compile eveythng into a list and e-mail it to you overmind.  I just need to know if this list is it, and if i should give different people credit for their comments/ideas.  Ill start as soon as i get a few free hours.